The Podcast on the run

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Quick info

Jack and danny are on the run in both dimensions   and decided to make a podcast about it whenever possible also the cast can be seen of better said heard in both dimensions for some reasons (the magic of the internet beware!)

Also the Idea of like a podcast  is originally from WorraVirtue




"Is this working ?

*I dunno I usually don't built it up danny you are the one that knows this sort of stuff better *

"There are comments! What does it say
'yes it's been working for the past five minutes actually but it was just to funny have listen to you two idiots' "

"Yea that sounds great thanks for the lovely comment "IamKarma"

Anyways welcome to 'Frostedghost" the name is still in work ... moving on today we are in jacks pretty dimension which means there most likely won't be a shooting or ghost scum yelling at us hurray! "

*not hurray now it might just hushed half of the audience away*

"Yea but anyways the theme today is importamt to talk about and just might help someone out there ..."

*we will talk about bullying*

"What is bullying "
*how can you stop bullying*
"*and why the hell a lot of jerks bully in the first place "*

"Fist off we will have a little role play I will be like the victom and jack the bully and no even if jack is got at pretending he does not bully anyone like ever he helps people!"

(AN: I by no means want to insult or trigger anyone if you can't take bullying skip this)

"Okey now we shall start! In

*you are an idiot*

"No I am not"

*yes you are you stupid idiot!*

"Stop that!"

*oh or what? ugly*

"Or I will g-get you in trouble!"

*aww how cute but you can't even walk around in these ugly clothes where did you get them the dollar store?*

"No they're not quit insulting me! "

*aww I am sorry did I hurt your feeeliiings? Abuuh*

"Yes stop doing that!!"

* oww the ugly one can't even defend himself how pathetic*

"No I am not you are a jerk ... an ugly jerk!"

*I hate your ugly face get lost!*

"Stop it!"

*or what will you get me in trouble!?*

"Yes I will call a teacher!!"

*but they won't believe you you are just that loser kid who would believe you  ?! I will tell you no one you are a loser and ugly unwanted losser no one would care if you just ****** y******!*

" s s s stop! shut up s shut up!!!!!!!"

*oww or what are you going to do cry?!*


(AN entwarning who skipped here you keep can continoue!)

* and this is one way bullying can go ut can be a little mire harmless*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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