Eastern 1968

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Everything is prepared the eegs are dakorated and hidden. It's a relativly cool day for Eastern but looking at the past cold snowy if not even stormy days it's very warm, expacially if you consider that it is only 7 am in the morning. The snow stoped in faviour to bunnymund to celebrate Eastern and bring hope all over the world.
Or at least that was supposed to happen that day, if there just didn't show up a portal at 8 am.

Bunnymund didn't know about any portal appearing several hours ago nor that there is a fight going on on the other side of the town. He also is not aware that a certain young boy which is beeing strangeled and about to die again in front of another boy which is not able to do anything abou it both can't be older then 15 maybe even only 14. He of corse can't be aware of the trauma, worry, rage and hoplessnes the  second boy is feeling , how many times he will in the future wake up hoping no bagging his best friend is ok. All this at the Eastern sunday 1968. But that Bunymund does not  know. What he does know thought is that it started snowing but not natural snow not even happy snow that brings joy to children no. It was fast falling snow  in a combination witch strong wind that is able to become much worse.
He knows too that the spirit of winter was reborn about two and a half centuries ago.

The snow is forming a storm around the whole town like the emotions in the second boy. Ice starts to spread around the second boy with white hair and blue eyes he is holding a sheperts staff in is hand which is slightly glowing blue ice keeps spreading reaching the feet of the woman strangeling the other boy which has black hair and blue eyes.

"Ugh Cha-Cha?" A bold Man with a beard states seeing the frost spreading on the shoes of his Partner.
"Hazel not now!" The woman answers her partner fully concentrading on her mission of killing the mystirious boy that can seemingly time travel and is about to help stop the apocalipse
"Cha-Cha!" Hazel know yells breaking Cha-Cha out of her concentration getting her to notice the ice covering almost her entire body to her chest.
Shocked she lets go of the boy that fainted before the ice appeared and fell to the ground.
"What the?!"
"It must be the boy! Hazel EX-TER-MI-NATE HIM!!!"(sorry I just had to😂😂😂)
But the boy all of a sudden seemed to be dragged away by an invisible person.
Hazel took a gun pointing it at the boy when it froze over. He trew it away. The storm around them grew by the second and if wetter would have emotions this one would be definetly angry.
Hazel starts to throw knifes randomly  throu the room almost hitting Cha-Cha once or well trice he should say. Then he throws one direktly at the boy when the knife stoped amd floated in the mid air before turning and flying back direktly at Hazel. Ve doged it. Know snowballs flew throuh the air like a bunch of angry bee s when eveything seeteld down hazel and Cha-Cha looked like two very big snowman. The unconcious boy on the outer hand, he was in a cozy fluffy soft blue blanked. He suddenly was lifted into the air and floated out of the room. Then frost apoeared very thick on the wall and a massage appeard .
"Try to kill my best friend in front of me one more time and I SWEAR THAT YOU WILL SUFFER!!!!"
After a few minutes it seemed like it got 10 degrees warmer.

Jack took danny to they're hideout close to a pond in burgess he covert him wothe serveral blankeds and laid him on the couch they found somewhere in new york. Jack decided that he should quickly get some water and possibly a few muffins for danny .

Realizing that a huge storm has formed around hin and is covering a good part of america he panics  making it worse. He tryes to calm himself but frost and ice seems to be spreading around him like crazy.

Suddenly a hole appears in the ground and hopped out of it comes a huge gigantic bunny.
'It's Bugs Bunny😆' jack thinks to himself trying not to lauth at it making him subconciously calm down a little bit bringing the storm to calm down a little too.
The big bunny stands all proud and looks down at the spirit of winter

"What is the meaning of this?!" Bunny looks at Jack with confusion and dissapointment

"Ugh?" Jack responds stunned that the bunny can actually talk

"Whats your name?"
"Uh Frost J Jack Frost ... uhm sorry but I never imagined that I would meet bugs bunny in real life"
"Excuse me?!"
"You are excused" Jack comments with a smirk

Bunny glares at him with intensety

"Anyways what do I owe this flattering first meeting to?" Jack asks smirk constant on his face

"What is it with a Snowstorm oN EaSTerN SuNDAy?!"

'Shit it's Eastern?'

" oh well to bad I guess that sucks  ...
I gotta leave now but if it helps your feelings I didn't know it was Eastern"


"Now that I think about it it wouldn't have made a difference"

"See you" Jack says flying off leaving a totally furious bunny behind

_________________________________________________the one shots done!

Hi dudes so I wrote and rewrote this like over a hundred times and it was supposed to be published on eastern to make it fit in but well whatever I started watching the Umbrella Academy on Netflix and I am in love with it I can't wait for season two!!!😍🤩 I am thinking to make klaus a part of the one shots I mean as a danny phantom,rotg, doctor who, paranorman ... and spn fan who wouldn't love the gay drug junkie that can see the dead (and has a traumatic childhood.)😍

... is something wrong with me? Is this like normal?

Anyways moving on I have like a trillion ideas on new one shots including my partners in crime but not really the time it really sucks when I am in school and bored I can't just start tiping the stuff and if I wrothe it down people would find and  ask about it and then I wount be able to shut up about it till the person chooses to forever ignore me ( I am Jack Fenton with my fandoms)
Alsi I got a Job now hurray and I got a very cute dress 😍

And I don't have friend s I can cou t on just one but hay who cares like I wanted to do stuff and I asked one week beforehand and they all declined the offer (no I am sick?  Girl wtf? )(that day I am going to ride on my horse. Uhm okey)(from my now exbestfriend_ no answer at all till the day after the offer   well thank you) life sucks sometimes 
I don't even know why I am even writhing about this ...meh probably nobody reading it at this point anyways  and if you did you're a honerable person I hope I didn't ruin your day with my little rant 

Also I saw a few avangers today 😁

My day wasn't that bad it was pretty good actually

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My day wasn't that bad it was pretty good actually.

Anyways to no longer bother anyone have a nice

Day, evening , night, morning, noon, week, weekend, monday or whatever time you have when reading this I really appreciate you. You are loved!

Bye 😘❤

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