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*sam pov*

Finally back in Amity Park I am honest I missed it here. Europa was great but to be honest I missed Danny eventhou I wouldn't ever admid it
The great thing is we came earlyer back than planend with means I can suprice him.

I'm on my way to Danny when suddendly ...

Danny in his ghost Form ran past me  and ramed me with some cind of staff in his Hand then another white haired guy in a blue hoodie ran behind him and yelles
"Give it back right now!"
"I swear I'll kill you when  I catch you" 
He sounds like tucker when you take his  PDA
The boy Cased Danny till suddenly  a blue Portal appeared behind Danny AS he touthed some dort of necless' and a second later behind the other boy AS he did the same
"Danny!" a Million thouts ran trouh my head 'oh no what should I do ' ' who was that boy' 'what was that staff'' 'were did he get the neckles from' ' where did the Portal bring them ?'

I stood now exactly at the place where they dissapeard when ...

Muhaha clifdhanger!

Or maybe not😉
*danny s pov**five minutes before Sams pov*

Alright Jack is asleep exhaustwd from Helling me fight ghosts with means its the perfect Moment on pulling a prank *evil smile*

The plan is easy take his  staff,replace it with a normal stick, freeze the floor,wake him up and run off

To say one thing getting bis staff out of bis hands  is realy heard I mean he has a killer grip on it worse then the boxt ghost is annoying and that is suppost to mean something after only one day here and boxy poping up 20 times everyone knows what I m talking of

I freez the floor with ease okey only one thing left I go a few steps back in order not to get a kik in the face

"BEWERE!!!!!!!" I yell as  loud AS possible so that even my own EADS hurt a little
Jack jumps up instendly points the stick at me slippes on the ice and face Palms on the floor 😂
"What the?! ...whers my staff *looking around * ...DANNY!"
'Oh shit !'
"You will never catch me !" I yell and run off while he glides over the ice like ice scating  at that point he says he never realy learned how to ice scate he just knew how to do it but he always has suth a weard feeling while doing it
I Start run even fast er for one he is over the ice for two he can run fast er than me 😧
"Danny !"
He yells while I ramble somebody accedently
"Give it back right now!!!" he yells like tucker if you took his  PDA 😁
"I swear I am gonna kill you when I catch you "
I ran faster 'alright I have to get away fast '
I think while running and graping my neckles and Pressung the snowflake button and dissapearing to burgress

*in brugress on the good  known pond *
And now hide where you think ? The Wather is still frozen from our last visit that was maybe two sekonds ago from this time and for US one a half days anyways back to the hiding I go under the ice (Danny doesn't need to breath ) just when Jack comes out of the Portal
"Come out right now!!!! I know you are under the ice"
I face out of the ice seeing a pissed of Jack with his staff in his Hand okey when did he get it back I has it just a sec ago

~time skip because I am writing a test tomorow😭~

We brought a few knew winters in some areas including the south pol this time because we were not there for a week  in the time here
"We going back to amity?"
"Sure race ja!"
I say with a grün Pressung the button while flying trouh our Portal since we are treveling with the Portals a gold while now we found out that when we fly on our own we come fast er out unfortunetly this time I didn't look back before leaving yesterday ...
I Fell out of the Portal on...

Sam !😓
'When the Heck did she get back?'
Unfortunetly Jack Landed directly  on me

She looked at US with a look saying' get of me idiots I am going to kill you!'
We quicly got of of her
"Er.... Hey?"  I ASK
"..." she is quiet staring from Jack to me and back over and over again
"MIND EXPLAINING WHAT THE HECK HAPPEND ?!!!!!" she suddendly yells
'We are doomed '

I am alive!!!!!!

Hey guys I am sorry that this came out later than I thought but right now everyone teather thinks he/she has to get half of the Grades for this year finished so I didn't had time to write or update I still didn't buy any Christmas gifts well okey I got the basics like the wrapping paper you know it isn't a gift but well I Gotha get that shit eventhou I am happy to have found a little free time to write this since I may studdy to cep the one A I have that way realy I stand on one F s two E s four Ds  two Cs  and one A I have some other Grades too but I don't know them  right now

Anyways I hope you liked this chapitar the next is gonna be probably on Christmas since I am then gonna have a real break
But please don't be to dissapointed if it comes later because I am only human and don't have Much time but I will give everything to make one on Christmas

Anyways have a nice day ,morning ,noon afternoon ,evening ,night  , sleep when ever you read this I am out


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