1| that girl from lion king

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Chapter one| that girl from lion king

JAEBUM stared at the curly haired girl strolling around the campus with whom he believed to be her parents beside her. He had to admit she sure did catch his eye since there was a lack of diversity at the ivy league university.

Perhaps the girl didn't seem to mind it as she twirled a bright yellow daffodil in between her fingers oblivious to the looks and stares she received.

"Can't fucking wait for the annual freshmeat parties this weekend I can already tell this class is going to be easy just like last year" Jackson licked his lips staring at a group of freshmen girls lustfully. Jinyoung slapped the back of his head. "Don't you have anything better to do than take little girls virginities?"

"I'm surprised you didn't get anyone pregnant much less" Mark spoke up crossing his legs. Jackson nodded before sending a lingering gaze in Jaebum's direction. "Unlike y'all I wrap my shit up"

"Jaebum what are you staring at?" Jinyoung questioned skeptically.

Jackson leaned forward catching on. "Oh I know. Looks like Jaebum wants a taste of the cocoa".

Jaebum broke out of his thoughts immediately turning to his friends. "Problem?"

"Let's see if she even likes you. So many sistas turn me down what makes you think you'd get a chance".

Jaebum didn't answer Jackson, instead he turned back to see that the girl had disappeared somewhere nearby the girls dormitory tower. He immediately pulled out his notebook and began a quick sketch etching out the girl's profile based on his memory. For some odd reason her mere presence alone made him feel inspired enough to do so.

He and his friends all attended Columbia University for the arts as they were all individually talented in their own ways, unlike his friends Jaebum was just a bit more versatile. A jack of all trades.

"I'm gonna swing by the studio. Catch you guys later" Jaebum grabbed his backpack and bagel heading out of the korean theme coffee shop as his friends waved him off.

The arts building was a mere few blocks away as Jaebum strolled down New York City's crowded upper west side. Women waltzed by with lingering gazes in hopes to capture the attractive male's eye. Jaebum however was no stranger the attention and would use to take it to his advantage back in his younger rebellious stage as an underclassmen.

Past tense he used to. Especially not after what happened with her.

The rush of students exiting the front doors of the arts building brought music to Jaebum's ears as he entered the nearly empty arts building heading his way towards his private art studio. Whenever inspiration struck, Jaebum had to cater to it. He particularly enjoyed being in the presence of his own solitude.


"Calm your tits Youngjae I know what I'm doing"

Jaebum raised a brow as he peaked inside the next door room to see his younger friends struggling with their clay sculpture project.

"Uhh need help there?" He offered scanning the dry clay mess on the floor. Yugyeom nodded his head desperately. "Yes we do".

"Uh hell no! We don't need the 'artist' to help us. We are strong independent asian men that don't need no man" Bambam tried using all of his strength to push Jaebum away, but was startled by how solid his chest was.

"Well damn you've been hitting the gym lately" Bambam frowned rubbing his bruised palm.

Jaebum rolled his eyes in attempt to hide his amusement. "You guys do know that your clay is drying up" Youngjae's eyes went wide in realization as he threw all of the wet clay onto the slumping figure. Unfortunately half of the clay landed on Yugyeom.


Turning on his heels Jaebum quickly left the younger trio in despair heading back to his studio when he bumped into a shorter frame with wild unruly hair. That's when he realized it was the girl from earlier.

She'd looked so much better up close Jaebum had thought. Her radiant brown skin, round mahogany eyes, light freckles that danced around her nose bridge, and her bright smile displaying her precious pearly whites. The only word Jaebum could think of to describe her overall appearance was angelic. She was angelic.

"I am so sorry!" She apologized clutching onto the school map to her chest noticing how the taller male stared down at her. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment for being clumsy in an empty hallway.

"No need to apologize. Technically I came out of nowhere" Jaebum took the blame waving it off nonchalantly.

The girl nodded, her eyes observing student's artwork hung proudly on the walls. "I believe this is the Building of Arts?".

"Ah correct...arts major?" Jaebum implied leaving room for correction.

The girl smiled glancing down for a moment. "Political science actually but I do love to dance in my spare time".

"A dancer huh? Well there's a dance studio on the first floor in the east wing. They have classes in the morning and afternoon but its free to use at night" Jaebum's eyes were tempted to lower down her body but he had self restraint. Old habits tend to die hard. The girl didn't seem to realize as she took in the information.

She extended her hand out to Jaebum. "Hi I'm Nala. What's your name?"

He was taken back by her forwardness, but it was different. It would usually require some effort on his side to get a girl's name. "It's Jaebum. Your name sounds awfully familiar...like I've heard it in a movie or something".

"Nala from Lion King...my parents fell in love with the name as you can tell".

A loud voice called after Nala abruptly cutting their conversation short as they both turned around to see an older man at the end of the hallway. Most likely Nala's father Jaebum thought as she obediently scurried over to him without hesitation.

Her father wrapped an protective arm around her shoulders while approaching the exit, but not without Nala sparing Jaebum one last glance.

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