3| big booty judy

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Chapter three| big booty judy

JAEBUM wasn't one to go to parties, well at least not anymore. He'd much rather lay down on the sofa in his studio staring up at the ceiling while listening to the soulful sounds of 90's R&B allowing his creative mind to go into overdrive .

Though he had better things to do his friends, more so Jackson, basically dragged him out the apartment bringing him to the annual freshmeat party at one of the wealthy fratboy's penthouse apartment.

He leaned against the wall of the penthouse with Mark and Yugyeom either side of him observing the raging party before them. Topless girls, body shots, and one huge fat blunt being passed around. Bambam took one hit and was already higher than a kite hopping on table tops dabbing like it was 2016.

"We should probably go get him" Mark suggested.

"Nah he's a lightweight give him ten more minutes until he passes out".

Yugyeom turned to his hyungs. "Where did everyone else go?"

"You already know what Jackson's doing, pretty sure Youngjae ran back home, and Jinyoung's somewhere around here" Jaebum answered skeptically scanning the place.

"Yo not gonna lie but Jinyoung is a lowkey freak" Mark admitted as if common knowledge. Both Jaebum and Yugyeom stared at him in utter disgust. "No like deadass I found a whip and chains under the-"

The boys noticed one girl in particular looking in their direction as she danced with a group of females. The girl was attractive, not as attarctive as Nala in Jaebum's opinion. They were quite shocked when she actually had the courage to walk over to them.

"You guys have been standing against the wall for over an hour now. Your friends are having way more fun than the three of you combined" She rested a hand on her hip motioning over to Bambam. She discreetly checked out each one of the boys.

It seemed to Jaebum that Yugyeom had caught her eye the most.

"There's a better view from here".

"I swear y'all Columbia niggas so boring" She teased.

"Hold up do you even go to this school?" Mark questioned. "Nah I go to Brooklyn College where the men aren't scared to handle a little booty".

"What's your name?" Jaebum asked.


"I'm Jaebum, this is Mark, and that's Yugyeom".

Yugyeom grabbed her by the waist whispering into her ear "I can handle it mamas".

Chanté didn't hesitate as she pulled him into the crowd instantly disappearing. Mark laughed. "She gotta big ass".

"Now that's a big booty judy"

The night went on as planned as each one of the seven boys were all separated from each other.

Jaebum stepped outside to the balcony to get a breather while staring at the city lights surrounding him. The city that never sleeps. He looked up at the cloudy night sky allowing his thoughts to wander.

For the first time since that night, Jaebum allowed himself to feel vulnerable as he stood alone on the edge of the universe. He accepted what his life became of at this point, the peace he'd begged for. The peace of stillness... absoleute nothingness. Enjoying life as a passenger free from all the drama, all the toxicity that had once consumed him.

He started to feel guility for the lack of contentment he had for the peace he so desperatly wished for.

Maybe it was the tranquility he mistook for boredom instead.

Although he yearned for excitement, he couldn't afford another repeat of sophomore year.

The door to the balcony slid open catching his attention to see who was going to interrupt his thoughts this time.

Nala closed the sliding door behind her before joining the older male.

"What are you doing here?" Jaebum asked surprised that she'd be at one of these parties. She appeared very different from when he first saw her with her parents earlier in the day. She wore an off the shoulder top exposing her midriff and black ripped jeans hugging her hips perfectly. Her outfit wasn't much different from the rest of the girls at the party but to Jaebum, Nala made the outfit her own.

"My roommate decided to show me a freshmeat party and I'm kinda disappointed that it wasn't food related but oh well....you?" Nala stood besides Jaebum who chuckled at her comment looking over the balcony. "Lets just say my friends kidnapped me".

Nala shivered feeling the brisk september wind on her shoulders somewhat regretting her choice in clothing, thinking she should've worn something warmer then again nothing in Lenore's closet seemed warm.

"So you said you're a dancer" Jaebum mentioned wanting to pick up on their conversation from earlier. "Yeah...I love ballet and jazz in particular. I always use to dream about myself growing up to become a dancer but my parents would never allow it".

"Why not?" Jaebum asked genuinely curious.

"Coming from a legacy family of doctors and lawyers my parents don't consider anything outside of that branch worthy enough as a career. So they want me to continue the family tradition. At first I was kinda iffy about it, but my parents have done a lot for me...and it would make them happy".

"What about what makes you happy?".

Nala smiled a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she went to say something before deciding against it, she was so use to biting her tongue even outside her parent's presence. Jaebum realized this and didn't want to pry through her guarded walls yet. He turned his back to the railing facing in her direction watching her every move. "Question".


"Since you can't dance in the studio why not dance here instead" Jaebum smirked watching Nala's body language stiffen.

"Erm uh" Nala fought to find the right words to say. "Not exactly my type of crowd in there I guess...besides I don't know them enough to be comfortable to dance around, I know you though".

Jaebum chuckled. He couldn't tell if she was joking or coming onto him. Either way he wasn't complaining.

"Dance with me then" Offering his hand to Nala who looked up at him like a deer in headlights, she felt her heart begin to beat rapidly.

Before she could have said anything the sliding door slammed wide open with a frantic Jinyoung and Youngjae.


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