8| so you think you can dance

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Chapter eight| so you think you can dance

NALA bit her lip self consciously latching herself by Yugyeom's side.

Her eyes surveying the people entering and exiting the busy doors of the arts building. She was familiar with coming to the dance studio at nights but never in the afternoon when it was occupied by actual dance classes. 

"How long have you been a dancer?" Nala asked breaking the silence with the taller male catching him slightly off-guard. 

"I don't know...all my life I guess. Ever since I've known myself I've been attracted to music and way people move" Yugyeom responded truthfully with a small smile. He opened the door allowing Nala to enter inside the studio. Sounds of sweet melodies heard outside the double doors.

Once inside the studio Nala was in complete awe by her surroundings. The dancers danced with such grace, nothing but pure fluidity in their movements. Everything about them was perfect from their poise, posture, the body language matching the fierceness of themselves. Nala's attention landed on one dancer in particular. 

A dark skinned girl swiftly moved on her feet, hands up in the air as if touching the stars. The girl mirrored herself with the others attempting to meet her standards. Nala began to feel a bit insecure of her own dance skills but still amazed nothing less. 

"Nala" Yugyeom called out.

"Yes!" Nala piped up louder than expected causing a few others to laugh at her obliviousness. The girl abruptly stopped dancing turned in their direction giving Nala a warm smile.

"Well well well, look at who decided to show up to practice after all" An older lady dressed in flamboyant clothing and a colorful headscarf crossed her arms approaching one of her lead dancers. Yugyeom gave a restless sigh at the women's extra-ness. "Madame Gina, I told you I wasn't coming to last week's rehearsal because it was my birthday".

"Oh mon dieu, how could I forget? Happy Birthday!" Madame Gina exclaimed loudly as she hugged the lanky male. "How old are you now? Twenty-one?" 

"Nah just twenty" Yugyeom said pulling himself out of the older woman's embrace. Madame Gina looked behind him. "Madame there is someone I want you to meet. This is Nala, she's a freshie here and is one killer dancer so I wanted to introduce her to one of new york's best" 

"One of? You mean the only. So you like to dance Nala?" Madame Gina squinted her eyes scanning Nala from head to toe. Nala smiled brightly shaking her head. "Not like but I love dancing. It's one of the few ways I can truly express myself in".

"Any fellow dancer friend of Yugy must be someone to see...Hi I'm Jasmine" The dancer made her way over introducing herself. 

"I suppose Jasmine is right. Are you an arts major?" Madame Gina asked with a drawl in her voice. Nala hesitated as she began playing with her fingers nervously. "No actually I am...um a political science major". 

Madame Gina took a step forward taking Nala's hands in hers making sure she had her full and undivided attention, Nala took in a breath unaware of what she had to say. "I am afraid my darling that this level of dance may not be suited for you. Yugyeom and Jasmine's dance companies are for those who are learning to successfully master the art of dance. For them, dance is their life, not just a part-time hobby later to be dashed away in their memory. There is a contemporary dance class open for amateurs on Saturday mornings that you may like to join instead". 

"Jasmine....Yugyeom class has begun" She signaled as she made her towards the front of the studio

Nala felt her heart drop by Madame's words. Yugyeom and Jasmine stood still watching the older woman take her leave in attempt to start her class. .

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