5| my old friend mark

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Chapter five| my old friend mark

JAEBUM plugged in his headphones after logging onto his spotify listening to Fantasy one of his favorite collabs by Alina Baraz and Galimatias

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JAEBUM plugged in his headphones after logging onto his spotify listening to Fantasy one of his favorite collabs by Alina Baraz and Galimatias. 

Yellow, orange, and red leaves of deciduous trees coating the concrete sidewalk as a chilly fall breeze swept through the city blocks. Unofficially the beginning of autumn Jaebum cherished this time of year as it reminded him of everything he fantasized about new york city living. 

The time on his watch struck a quarter till ten as he swiftly made his way towards the arts building hoping it would be empty by this time of night.

Jogging up the steps to the main doors entering inside the building but the lights of the dance studio to his left caught his attention alerting him that he wasn't alone.  A familiar melody played on what he believed to have been a piano. 

Walking past the the studio doors Jaebum briefly glanced through the windows to see a slender brown figure.

Her posture complimented the poise she retained as her feet delicately touched the floor as if she were swaying in the air. How her legs gracefully balanced on her pointed toes, the smile on her face never fading, her eyes closed as she danced. The precision in her steps and twirls had Jaebum locked in a trance, observing the ballerina before him. Although she never received formal instruction, to Jaebum it seemed as if she's done this all her life. 

Jaebum smiled to himself taking out his headphones quietly entering inside the the dance studio. Nala didn't seem to notice as watched herself through the mirror completely in tune with the music as her body struck every note. 

Nala had practiced the routine to Claire de Luna for a few weeks but wasn't able to score a perfect routine until tonight as she felt a sense of accomplishment taking a bow to the imaginary audience in her head once the music began to fade. 

Jaebum leaned against the doorway as he applauded, startling the girl. 

"Now that was a performance".

Nala turned off her speakers as TLC's Creep began on her playlist. She headed over towards him crossing her arms trying to hide her happiness to see him. "How long have you been watching me?"

"Technically I just came inside it wouldn't be called creepin".

She snorted at his slick reference. "I gotta give you points for that one...what you doing here so late?".

"I could ask you the same thing".

"Touché but you already see what I'm doing....headed upstairs to the art studio?" Nala assumed as the older male nodded. 

He found himself staring at Nala again. Not her body but her face taking in her fine features of her delicate frame. She enticed him without doing anything, his knees would go weak at the sight of her. Jaebum didn't understand this compelling force, how could being near her be nerve-racking yet comforting at the same time. "Yes you are correct. Wanna join me?".

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