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Charlie went into work and grinned. She saw her best friend. Max Tyler. They'd been friends for years. Max's parents were friends of Charlie's parents. Therefore Max and Charlie had become friends despite Max being fourteen years older than her.

Charlie walked over to Max. "You look like utter crap," she said when she saw Max looking extremely hungover.
"Well it's to be expected. I was out quite late last night with your brother," Max said.
Charlie grinned. "Ah. Makes sense. Where was my invite?"
"Unless you want to go somewhere with half naked women, then next time I'll invite you," Max teased.
Charlie laughed. "You two went to the strip club again?"
Max nodded and rubbed his head.

The two of them sat down with a coffee each. Charlie smirked at Max.
"Would you like me to shout?" Charlie whispered.
"Bloody hell no!" Max complained.
Charlie laughed.

Max smiled at Charlie and showed her a photo of her brother getting a lap dance.
"Ew. I don't want to see that," Charlie said. Max laughed.
"I thought so."
Charlie grinned and drank her coffee. "You're a right git at times."
"I know."

Soon enough, Max was sober. He walked to the office. Charlie went to her classroom. She saw Tom and smiled. "Latest conquest let you down?" She asked.

Max was listening to Rachel ramble on. She soon walked out and Charlie came in. "I'm going celibate."
Charlie pouted. "I've not had a good shag in months."
Max laughed. "Well, I got one last night."
"That's cause you went to the hooker store," Charlie said. Max glared and Charlie smirked at him.
"Just being honest."

Charlie yawned and sat on the sofa. Max smirked at her.
"And I thought I was tired," Max said. Charlie sighed.
"I was preparing for lessons," she said.
Max smiled. "How are you liking it so far?"
"It's okay."

Max walked her back to the classroom. She groaned as she sat down.
"I'm so tired," she complained. Max laughed.
"You'll cope. Want a coffee?"
"Please!" Charlie begged. Max laughed and went to make one.
Max handed her a coffee. She grinned and rested her head on his shoulder. "I hate this feeling."
"What's that?"
"Everyone getting sex apart from me."
Max nodded. "That is bad."

Charlie went to her classroom and began teaching. She enjoyed it. Tom walked in. "A word?"
"Come on."

Charlie walked outside the classroom and smirked at Tom.
"Yes Mr Clarkson?"
"So what are you doing tonight?"
Charlie smiled. "Who knows."
"Well, I think I'll be thinking of you."

Charlie and Tom continued to flirt. Since she had got a placement there they always flirted. She liked Tom. He was kind to everyone and she had to admit he was quite handsome.

Charlie went back inside. Her long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. The class were working in silence. That's how she liked it.

Charlie pulled up outside Max's parents' house. Max's mother was celebrating Max's sister's engagment and Charlie had been invited along with her parents and brother.

Charlie went inside and smiled at Jessica. Jessica was engaged to a man named Hector Reid. He was a PE teacher. "Hey you!" Jessica said. She hugged Charlie tightly.
"Congratulations," Charlie said.
"Thanks Charlie."

Jessica went over to Hector. Max waved at Charlie and went over to her.
"Hey," he said. Charlie hugged him.
"Hey. You okay?" Charlie asked.
"I guess so."

Charlie's brother, James went over to them.
"Well well, how are you holding up?" James asked Max.
Max groaned. "Don't even. My head was banging this morning."
"And I don't want to see you getting a lap dance again," Charlie told her brother.
James rolled his eyes. "Yes mother."
"Shut it."
"I'm older than you brat. Respect your elders," James said.

Charlie and Max were standing outside. They had a bottle of beer each. "I hate all these lovey dovey couples."
Charlie grinned at him. "I've always wondered what it would be like if we had sex. It would be weird."
"Probably. But you know what they say," Max said. Charlie looked at him.
"What's that?"
"Don't knock it til you try it."

Charlie and Max looked at each other. Charlie squinted her eyes at him.
"What are you saying?" Charlie asked.
Max smiled. "Well, you want sex. I want sex. We're best friends. So why don't we have casual sex and get to see other people? No strings attached."

Charlie couldn't believe what Max was suggesting. She wanted to agree to it. But she didn't know if Max was joking or not.
"You're joking."
Max shook his head. "I'm not. I think it would be good. No strings attatched sex," he said.
Charlie grinned. "Okay. Let's go."

Max choked on his beer. "You're kidding?"
"No. Why don't we go to your place right now and do it," Charlie said.
Max was shocked. "Because we're supposed to be here."
"See! I knew you were winding me up!"
"I'm not!" Max said. Charlie smiled.
"Then let's go."

Max took Charlie's hand and brought her to his car. No one noticed them leaving. Charlie was nervous on the way there. She couldn't believe this was happening.

Charlie and Max got out of the car. Max unlocked the door and smiled at Charlie.
"Welcome to my place," Max said.
Charlie smirked. "Not too shabby I suppose."
"Oh, you suppose?"
Charlie grinned and followed him inside. Max locked the door and looked at her. "You sure about this? I'd not be offended."
"Max, shut it."

Max handed Charlie a glass of wine. She took it and downed it. "Dutch courage?" Max asked.
Charlir smirked. "Well I'm going to let my best friend between my legs. I need something."

Soon enough, Max looked at Charlie. He took her hand. "You okay?"
"Yeah. I-I'm good."
Max sighed. "We don't have to do this," he said.
"I know. I'm just nervous. I want to," Charlie told him. Max nodded and kissed her gently. Charlie smiled and kissed back.

They began to make out. When Max felt it getting heated, he took her hand and took her upstairs.

Charlie smiled at his leather bed.
"Quite kinky," Charlie teased.
Max laughed. "Shh."
Charlie giggled and kissed him again. She pulled him down to the bed. Max smiled. "You're sure?" He asked.

Max and Charlie had stripped each other off. Max smirked at her body. "You're beautiful."
"Why thank you."

Max grabbed a condom and smirked. He put it on and pushed in. Charlie moaned out loud. Max smirked again. "Is that good?" He asked.
"Wouldn't know yet. You haven't actually done anything," Charlie said as Max kissed her neck.
Max smirked against her skin and began to move slowly. Charlie rolled her eyes.
"For goodness sake! Just go hard!" Charlie complained.

Max took Charlie's word and went as hard as he could for her. Charlie moaned loudly. She loved how Max made her feel. It felt right doing this with him.

As they both got close, Charlie gripped on to Max's shoulders. They made out and Charlie breathed heavily.
"I'm really close," she said.
Max nodded. "It's okay. Just let it go."
Soon, she climaxed. Max smirked and kissed her. She kissed back. Max pulled out. "How was that?" He asked.
"Not too bad."
Max laughed. "So, shall we make this a regular thing?"
Charlie grinned and nodded. "Yeah."

The next morning, Charlie went into work. She saw Max and smiled. "Hey."
"Good morning. How are you?" Max asked as he placed a hand on her back.
Charlie grinned. "Well I'm a little tired. But I'll be fine."
"I wonder who took it out of you," Max whispered. Charlie smirked.
"Yes, I do wonder."

Charlie and Max went to the staffroom. Tom smiled at Charlie.
"Morning," he said. Charlie smiled.
"Morning. How are you?" She asked.
Tom smiled. "I'm good. Ready for more teaching?"
Charlie groaned and shook her head.

They both sat down together with a cup of coffee each while Max did the briefing. Charlie couldn't believe her and Max had had sex. It seemed alien to her that they would do such a thing.
Charlie and Tom were talking between themselves. Max looked over and got annoyed. He didn't want anyone else to have her. Despite their arrangement.

Charlie Andrews would be his.

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