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Charlie woke to Poppy in bed next to her. She sighed and kissed her head knowing Poppy had a bad night. She didn't fall asleep until 4:30. Charlie knew she wouldn't wake just yet.

Charlie put the cushions around Poppy so she didn't roll off the bed. She walked downstairs. Claire smiled. "Where's my little lady?" She asked.
"Sleeping. She didn't fall asleep till half four this morning. Surprised you didn't hear her," Charlie said as she poured herself some coffee.
Claire shrugged. "I didn't hear her. I thought Max was having her last night."
"Apparently he has man flu," Charlie joked.

James walked in and smiled. "Your mini me is running around."
Charlie groaned. "I knew it."

Jess carried Poppy down the stairs. She babbled as she ran around the living room.
"She fell asleep at half four. How does she have this much energy?" Charlie asked.

They all sat down for breakfast. Charlie lifted Poppy into the high chair.

Claire fed Poppy some food.
"So Max has man flu?" Charlie asked Jess.
Jess groaned. "Don't even start me. I went over yesterday and he was making me do everything because apparently he was too ill to get out of bed."
Charlie grinned. "Poor man. He's not text me this morning."
Jess laughed. "I don't think he can text anyone at the moment."

Poppy finished her food. Charlie took her into the living room. She looked at her phone. "Crap."
"I've got a check up at the doctor. Max said he would have Poppy but he's ill in bed."

James walked in. Poppy threw her toy at him. "We'll mind her," he said.
James nodded. "Yeah."

Charlie got ready to go. She was going to pop in and see Max as well. Jess walked in. "What's this appointment about?" She asked.
Charlie smiled. "Birth control. I can't be doing with another baby just yet."
"Well you've got a niece or nephew on the way to deal with," Jess said. Charlie laughed and nodded. She hugged everyone before leaving to see Max.

After the hospital appointment, Charlie went over to Max's house. She rang the doorbell.

Max answered it in a fluffy hoodie.
"Yes?" He mumbled.
"I'm here for blow job service," she said.
Max opened his eyes wide and saw it was Charlie. He smiled.
"Come to cheer me up?"
"If that's possible you miserable sod."
Max groaned. He sat back on the sofa. "Wow. You've moved from the bed to the sofa?" She asked.
Max nodded. "I have."

Charlie made him some coffee and sat down. Max groaned again. "I blame the pupils."
Charlie grinned. "Well our little lady is throwing toys off my brother."

Max watched as Charlie made him some food. She smiled. "You have to keep up your strength."
"I need you then," he said. Charlie laughed.
"Not until you're better."
She handed him a toasted sandwich and ate one herself. Max smirked at her.
"I hear sex helps your immune system," Max commented.

Charlie rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek.
"That's the best you're getting," she said.

Her phone buzzed with a video from Jess. Poppy was drawing over James' arm. She smirked and showed Max. Max laughed.
"Makes a change from my arm. Last time she used Sharpie pens. Jess didn't tell me," Max complained.
Charlie grinned. "I think our one year old daughter is an artist," she said.
Max nodded. "Definitely."

Poppy was going hyper. James groaned. "Who would have thought that the midget would be so hyper?"

Poppy ran around the living room. James laughed. "Look at her short legs."

Suddenly, Poppy tripped over a toy on the floor and hit her head off the table. James swore and grabbed her. She had a cut that was pouring with blood. "We need to get her to A&E. Call Charlie and Max."

Poppy was screaming. Jess got her phone out and began to phone them. Her hands were shaking.
"This is all my fault," she whimpered as the phone rang.

They got Poppy to the car. Jess told Charlie and Max what was happening.

They were meeting Jess and James at the hospital. Jess drove while James held Poppy close, putting pressure on her cut.
"You okay sweetie?" James asked. Poppy whimpered.
"Keep her talking. Try to get her to smile," Jess pleaded.
James looked at Poppy and smiled. "Do you want some ice cream?"

James groaned. He knew it wouldn't be easy making her smile. "It's going to be okay."

They arrived at the hospital. James carried Poppy in. "My niece. She tripped and hit her head."
"Okay. Where are her parents?"
"They're on their way."

Even though Max was unwell, he wanted to be with his daughter. "What happened?"
Charlie sighed. "James said she was running and tripped over a toy. She hit her off the coffee table."
"Jess should have cleaned up the place," Max mumbled. Jess heard it as they walked up the corridor.
"We have to wait to be seen," Jess mumbled back. Max knew she had heard him.

Jess got up and went to the bathroom. Charlie glared at Max.
"Seriously, watch your words."

She sat down and took Poppy into her arms as the doctor called them in. James sat outside while Max went in with Charlie. The doctor smiled.
"Okay, I take it this lovely lady is Poppy? What's happened to your pretty head?" he asked. Poppy giggled and held her teddy.
"She tripped over a toy and hit her head off the table," Charlie explained.
"Okay. And it's been bleeding since?" the doctor asked. Charlie nodded. "We'll get her a scan, just to make sure there's no other damage. From the looks of it, it could just need stitches though so don't worry."

Charlie smiled and looked at her little girl. "You're going to be okay my lovely. Daddy's even gotten out of bed for you."
Poppy giggled. Max kissed her head.

Jess and James walked in. "Is she okay?"
Charlie nodded. "Yeah. They're just going to take her for a scan to make sure there's no damage but she should be okay," she said.
James grinned. "See! Pretty Poppy is clumsy."

Max held Poppy on his lap. James smiled. "We're sorry this happened."
Charlie smiled. "These things happen."
"You both should have cleared the floor," Max said.
Charlie sighed. "Max don't start."
Max stayed quiet. He held Poppy close and kissed her head.

Jess handed Poppy a teddy she got in the hospital shop.
"Just for you," she said.

Poppy giggled and picked it up. She held it close. Charlie thanked her. The doctor came in to take Poppy for her scan. She giggled as he took her. Max and Charlie went too to calm her down.

Jess looked at James. "They blame us."
"They don't."

Half an hour later, Poppy came back. She was giggling. "We'll have the CT scan results back soon enough," the doctor said.

Poppy had fallen asleep on Max. He sighed. "We all know she's a trouble maker."
Jess nodded. "She is. But we didn't mean for this to happen."
Charlie looked at the brother and sister. "It's no ones fault. These things happen."
"You blame us don't you?" Jess mumbled. Charlie sighed.
"No chick. Come here."
Jess walked over to Charlie and hugged her. Charlie smiled.
"Max doesn't blame you either."

They looked over to see Max had fallen asleep with Poppy on his lap. Poppy was asleep too.

Charlie winked and took a photo of them.
"That's one he'll never forget about as long as I can help it," she said.
Jess laughed. "You an Max need to get together again properly. You two are so well suited to each other."
Charlie laughed and shrugged. "Who knows. It worked out so well last time."
"It did."

Charlie hugged Jess. She didn't know how her life was going to come crashing down.

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