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Charlie sat on her bed and cried. She couldn't believe she had been so careless. She was pregnant. Charlie knew Max was the father but didn't want to tell him. She knew she had to.

Charlie walked downstairs and saw her mum. Karen frowned. "What's up?"
"Nothing. Just feeling sick."
Karen smirked. "Does this have anything to do with the man you snuck out on your birthday?" She asked.
"I don't know what you mean."
Karen smiled and gave Charlie some coffee. "I don't want that."
"Oh... Ehm... hot chocolate? Tea?" Karen asked.
"Hot chocolate will be fine," Charlie said. Karen nodded and made her one. She drunk the coffee while she made it.

Karen gave Charlie her breakfast. She smiled and ate it slowly. Karen sighed.
"What's his name?" Karen asked with a smile.
"I don't know what you mean."

Karen just nodded. She couldn't help but smirk. She was happy that Charlie got someone.
Charlie got ready for work. She looked at her stomach in the mirror. She felt strange knowing she had a baby in there.

Charlie left for work. She stopped off at Greggs on the way to get some donuts. She bought six of them. "Thanks," Charlie said to the assistant.

When she arrived at work, she went to the staffroom. Max was standing with Jess. "Look who's here."
"Yeah. Me."
Max walked over. "Those donuts?"
"Yeah. Why?" Charlie mumbled. Jess and Max frowned. They knew something was wrong with Charlie.

Charlie sat down and ate a donut. Max went to find Tom for the meeting. Jess sat with Charlie.
"What's wrong?" Jess asked.
"I'm pregnant Jess. I don't know what to do," Charlie admitted.

Jess hugged her tightly.
"Shh. Don't panic. Everything will be okay. I promise," Jess said. Charlie sniffed and nodded. She wasn't so sure. Jess took a donut and began to eat it when Max and Tom came in.

Jess looked at Charlie. "Who's the father?" She asked. She had no idea about Max being the father.
"No one you'd know."

Charlie walked to her classroom. She saw Max. "Max! Can we talk?" She asked.
"What's wrong?"
Charlie took his hand and led him into an empty classroom. "We have a problem."

Before Max could ask, Kim walked in. "You're needed. There's an incident," she said.
Max sighed. He looked at Charlie. "Can we talk later?" He asked her.

Charlie watched as Max walked off. She sat on the desk and sighed. "Stupid men," she mumbled.
Charlie rubbed her stomach and sighed loudly. She wanted Max to know. She wanted him to be there for her through it all.

She walked to the staffroom when it was time for briefing. Jess smiled at Charlie and handed her a mug.
"Is this coffee?" Charlie whispered.
Jess shook her head. "Hot chocolate."

Charlie sipped at it. She sighed when Max came in. She didn't want to give away to Jess that her brother was the father of her baby.
"So, boy or girl?" Jess asked as she drank her coffee.
"I'm er, not fussed. As long as it's healthy," Charlie said.
"Cute! Although my brother will be gutted. He's got the hots for you," Jess said.

Charlie sighed and looked at Jess. "Promise me you'll keep your gob shut," she said.
"Max is the father."

Jess was shocked. She looked at Charlie. "You're kidding me?"
Charlie walked out. She thought Jess would judge her. Jess went after her.

Charlie was in her classroom crying. Jess walked in and hugged her.
"Shh it's all okay," she said. Charlie held her tightly.
"Jess I'm scared."

Jess knelt down in front of Charlie's seat.
"Look at me girl. This will all be okay. My little nephew or niece is in there. I can't wait to meet them. Max won't be able to wait either. Have you told him?" Jess asked.
Charlie shook her head. "No. I tried to."
Charlie nodded. "He got pulled away by Kim," she mumbled.

After talking with Jess, Charlie had decided to tell Max. She knew it had to be done. He was going to be a father and he needed to know.

Charlie walked into the office. Max was there alone. "Look, we have to talk."
"Come here."
Charlie walked over to the desk. Max grabbed her and sat her on the desk. Max started to kiss her neck.

The door opened and Jess walked in. "Have you told him?"
"Told me what?" Max asked. Jess groaned.
"Crap I'm sorry," Jess mumbled.

Charlie smiled.
"It's okay. Look Max, you're going to be a dad. I'm pregnant with your baby," she said. Max was shocked. He sat down at his desk and said nothing. Charlie waited and waited. Eventually she walked out.

Jess looked at Max.
"You idiot," Jess spat.
Max rolled his eyes. "How do you expect me to react?"
"She's terrified!" Jess yelled at her brother.
Max sighed. "She's terrified? We've only had sex a couple of times."
"Wait what? You and Charlie have been having sex?" "Yes. Only about three times."
Jess scoffed. "Only takes once."

Charlie sat in her classroom and sighed. She knew her family and Max's family were all getting together at a pub that evening.

Soon, the school day had ended. Charlie went back home. James smiled. "Ready for tonight? Andrews and Tyler big night out?" He asked.
"It's a trip to the pub. Who cares?"

James looked at his little sister. "Has something happened?"
"No. I'm fine," Charlie mumbled. James frowned but didn't bother arguing.

They all got to the pub. Max wasn't there yet and neither was Jess. When Charlie sat down, Jess came in with Hector. Charlie sighed. She knew Max had bailed out on her.

As soon as everyone ordered Charlie stood up.
"I have something to say," Charlie said. Jess squeezed Hector's hand. Before Charlie continued Max walked in and walked over to Charlie. He knew what she was doing.
Charlie looked at Max. "What are you doing?" She asked.
"Look, I love you."

Everyone was shocked. Charlie was confused. "Don't do this. Not here," she mumbled.
Max smiled. "I love you and I will be there for you and our baby."

Silence filled the pub. "You got my sister pregnant?" James asked.
Charlie soon left. She couldn't handle everyone going on at her. "Where are you going?"
"Max, don't."
"I love you!" Max yelled. Charlie looked at him.
"You're just saying that," she mumbled. Max shook his head.
"I'm not. You're my world. So will our baby be," Max told her.

He walked over to her and kissed her passionately. Charlie kissed back. Hector and Jess came out of the pub.

They walked over to Charlie and Max. They pulled away and Max smiled at his sister.
"We've offered you our support with the baby," Jess said. Charlie smiled. She hugged her.
"Thanks Jess."
Max hugged his sister. Charlie watched as her family and Max's stood watching. If only they knew how everything was going to go wrong.

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