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Charlie pulled up outside of Max's. She took Poppy from the car and stood her up. "Stay there Baby."
Charlie smiled. She looked at her daughter.

Max opened the door as Poppy toddled up the path. Max scooped up His daughter. "Hello darling."
Max smiled and kissed her head. Charlie came up with the bags and Poppy's pushchair. "Hi."
"Hey. Come on in."

Max was minding Poppy for a couple of days. Charlie was going on a two day course. He was excited to have some time with his little girl.

Charlie smiled as Jess scooped up Poppy. Poppy squealed.
"Jess, look after my brother," Charlie said. Jess blushed.
"No idea what you mean."

Charlie noticed Jess's engagement ring was now off. She guessed Hector and her were fully over now.

Poppy toddled back over to Charlie. Charlie kissed her head.
"Be good baby," Charlie said.
"You want a coffee?" Max asked.

Max went to make Charlie a coffee. Jess was playing with Poppy. "My mum and dad are coming to see her," Max said.
Charlie nodded and smiled. "Tell them I said hi."

Poppy toddled in. Jess was following her. "Does she ever keep still?" Jess asked.
"Yes. When she's asleep or tired. Speaking of which, when she's tired, she will want her pink blanket and a bottle of warm milk," Charlie said.

Poppy giggled as she poked Max. Max picked her up. He was glad he could be in his daughters life. Especially after missing out on so much.

Poppy squealed as Max bounced her. Max laughed and kissed her chubby cheeks.
"You're a gorgeous girl," Max said.

Jess handed Charlie her coffee. Poppy ran off and Jess ran after her.

Charlie and Max sat down together. Charlie yawned.
"You tired?" Max asked.
Charlie smiled. "A little. Poppy woke up early and then fell back asleep."
Max laughed. "Well make sure you have a good nights sleep," he said.
"Oh I will."

Soon enough, Charlie left. Poppy stood behind Max. Her lips were quivering. "Muma?"
"It's okay darling."
Poppy started crying. She fell onto her nappy covered bottom.

Max walked over and picked her up. He held her close. "Let's go and watch CBeebies," he said.
Jess groaned. "Mum and dad are here."
Max looked at Poppy. "Be ready to be covered in hugs and kisses from nanny."
Poppy made a puking face. Max laughed. He held Poppy on his lap as he put on CBeebies. Jess opened the door to her parents.

They went to the living room and straight to Poppy. James walked in. Jess grinned.
"I thought you weren't allowed here," she said. James smiled.
"Your parents brought me."

The two of them went into the living room to see Poppy being cuddled and kissed. Max smirked at Jess.
"Told her," he said to Jess. Jess laughed.
Jess grinned at James. "I do believe that my niece is adored by everyone."
"My niece."

Max rolled his eyes. He looked at his mum. "I think I should let her have a nap. Charlie said she was awake too early."
Claire rolled her eyes. "Oh hush. We hardly get to see her. She'll be fine."

Max went to the nursery. He looked at the cot and smiled. He couldn't wait to have his little girl in there. Jess smiled. "You're an amazing daddy."
"You think?"
Jess nodded. "Yeah. My niece is a lucky little lady. A little lady being slobbered on by mum."
Max laughed and nodded. He took Poppy's blanket out of her bag.
"You'll make a great mum some day too," Max said. Jess smiled slightly.

They went downstairs. Max gave Jess Poppy's bottle to heat up. Poppy grabbed her dummy and toddled to Max.

Max lifted her up and put the blanket over her.
"Dada," she mumbled.
"I'm here sweetie. Jess is getting your bottle of milk."
Poppy giggled and looked at Max. "Shh," she mumbled.
Max kissed her head.

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