Power Of Love: My Blazing Lion: Story #2: Chapter One:

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*Author's Note: This is set in the future, Alyssa & Cole are married in this one!!!*

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*Author's Note: This is set in the future, Alyssa & Cole are married in this one!!!*

Alyssa was so excited, she is able to do something for Cole's birthday, & she spent time planning it out very well, Plus, She had her friends help, cause they wanted to spend time with their friend, love one, & former teammate, & leader. When they came over, she expressed her gratitude to them. Taylor Earhardt, The Former Yellow Ranger said this to her.

"He is our friend, Alyssa, We want to do this for him, We will make it special for him, We promise you, He'll never forget this birthday", Alyssa smiled, & knew that her friends were right. They went over the plan for Cole's birthday, & Alyssa was thinking of planning a special evening of her own for her husband. They said their "goodbyes" to each other, & they went on their separate ways.

Cole got home from his shift at the Veterinarian Clinic, He had such a good day with the animals that came & went, Alyssa greeted him with a kiss on the lips, "Give me another", The Handsome Man demanded, as he smiled, The Former White Wild Force Ranger complied, & gave him another one, "What's been going on ?", he asked, & she decided to bring up the idea of his birthday. "The Gang & I want to do something special for your birthday", Cole said with a groan, "I don't want a fuss", Alyssa silence him with a kiss, & said, "We want to do this, Cole, You deserve it", Cole nodded, & said, "Fine, Thank you", & they went to have dinner, that she created.

First one up, was Danny, He brought his friend to his favorite spot in Turtle Grove, It had animals, & flowers. Plus, The Animals do shows, which Danny got for them, "I think that you are really gonna like this, Cole", The Former Spanish Black Iron Bison Wild Force Ranger said, he was excited to see his friend's expression, when he sees this. "If you picked this out, Danny, I have no doubts that I would like this", Cole answered, He focused on enjoying the day with his good friend.

Max was next, He took him to the aquarium, where he worked, Cole was entranced by the way the water animals move, & act. "This is awesome, Buddy, Thank you for this experience", The Former Ranger said, as he has a big smile on his face, & was helping his friend feed the dolphins. The Former Blue Surging Shark Ranger thought to himself, "A successful day, I think the rest of the time will be great", & he focused on the rest of his time with Cole, & having fun with him.

Merrick came into town, when he got Alyssa' s call, & took him to an Animal Conservatory, where wild animals, & all kinds were being treated well, & taken care of. "I found my purpose, Once in awhile, I check up on our wild friends, & help feed them, while they are playing", Cole said, "It's a great purpose". The Former Howling Wolf Ranger feel good, as he heard that from his friend. They continued their day together, The Handsome Man felt like he understands his friend even better now.

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