Power Of Love: Big Joy: Story #3: Chapter Two:

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*Author's Note: This follows a couple weeks after Cole's Birthday!!!*

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*Author's Note: This follows a couple weeks after Cole's Birthday!!!*

Alyssa wasn't feeling like herself lately, She was thinking that it could be the flu, & she was just rundown from the day to day activities of her life, so she wasn't really concerned at all, & put it out of her mind for now. Cause, She is thinking that she isn't pregnant, & they are planning for their family someday, when they are established, & well off enough.

Meanwhile, Cole noticed that his wife was a little bit off, & he hopes that it's nothing serious, & he is hoping that she will be okay soon. He put his thoughts out of his mind, as he focused on his clinic, & the business at hand. "I think that our family will be okay, As long as business is like this", he thought to himself, as he focused on his animal patients, & make them feel better. He will take care of Alyssa, when he gets home.

Alyssa managed to get through her morning okay, She still couldn't stop thinking that she might be pregnant, so she called her best friend, Taylor Earnhardt at the nearby airbase, where she is stationed, cause she needs advice, Also, She needs her to calm her down, & how to tell Cole, If she is pregnant. The Former Ranger calmed herself down, & got ready to meet with her good friend.

Taylor was surprised to hear from Alyssa so soon, & she hopes that everything is okay, & that she hopes that she can help her friend relax, & be calm. "God, I hope you can help Alyssa, Give her everything that you can, & make dreams come true", she silently thinking to herself, as she prayed.

"Hey, Girl, You okay ?", Taylor asked, as the two friends greeted each other with a hug. "Yeah, I think I could be pregnant, I am not sure", she said with a bit nervousness, The Former Soaring Eagle Ranger said in a soothing tone, "Okay, First all, We are gonna eat something, & then we are gonna take a test, Finally, We will go, & see your doctor, So, He will confirm", Alyssa nodded, & felt better for the first time, since she woke up that morning.

Cole was thinking about Alyssa, & her situation, He was worried about her, & what could be bothering her, & he was feeling helpless, cause he couldn't make it better for her. "Please, God, Let her be okay, Alyssa is important to me", he said thinking to himself, as he prayed. Then, He focused on his work, & get through the day, so he could get home to his wife.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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