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Last week Taehyung went on a school trip with his class and I really missed him. Since he's older than me by two years, we don't have the same class. But it's okay, I always see him at lunch. We sneak up to the roof and hang out. Usually it's just been kissing for minute or hugging.
The day he went on the trip, I hung out with my best friend Namjoon. He's nineteen but that doesn't mean we can't be best friends. He's like my second dad, or third since I've never met my first and I've lived with Taehyung and his dad since forever.  Although Namjoon has a very short attention span, he is fun to hand out with.
     So far he's the only one who knows about me a Taehyung's roof spot. He doesn't go up there unless we say it's okay or if he has something urgent to tell us. Like the time he ran up there scaring the shit out of this couple that were peacefully enjoying their lunch just to tell us he had a new boyfriend. His name is Jin and he two years older than he is but he's cool. He always buys us food and he's really nice. He's like my second eomma, eomma Jin.
     Although he doesn't mind the name, Namjoon gets mad because he's told us multiple times that he doesn't want kids, especially not us. I know he doesn't mean it in that way but it does make Taehyung feel some type of way of not being loved. When ever he brings it up I always tell him that he is loved, mostly by his kookie. That makes him give that big box like smile that I love so very much.
     When he came back, he was so excited to tell me about how he got to know this girl in his class, Somin. I saw her with him during break. He had his arm around her waist and she was playing with his shirt collar. I don't know what else happened because I ran up to the roof.
     I sat down on the floor, my back to the short wall near the edge. I then started to feel something warm on my cheeks and tears started to drip on my shirt. I instantly turn my head up to see the couple that's usually up here too. They asked if I was okay and I told them i saw Taehyung with a girl. I don't think they understand completely but they were nice to stay with me.
     Then we all looked to the door to see Taehyung stood then, running up to me asking why I was crying. The couple told him, if he cares about me, to treat me right next time because he's not getting someone else like me. I could tell he was confused but we just watched them leave the roof top.
     He held my face with both of his hands. I pull them off me with force making him step back. He asked if this was about Somin. I slightly nodded and he asked if he could get closer, again I nodded. He tells me what happened and that he doesn't like her in that way, but she doesn't know that. That he only loves his kookie, his boyfriend, his princess. I smile at the name and he smiles back.
     When we got home we laid down on the couch. Eomma wasn't home, meaning we could coddle and kiss and do all those cute things. He lays his face on the side of mine and kisses my cheek multiple time. I turn my face and he accidentally kisses my lips. He laughs and I pull him underneath me, pinning him down. I press my lips against his and he pulls my head down so he could get a better grip. Right then our eomma walked in.
     She caught us kissing and she saw Taehyung under me. She had a disappointed face on. She pulled me by the ear and dragged me away from Taehyung. He tried to help but he couldn't do much besides argue and walk behind her, attempting to take ahold of my head. She yelled about 'not brotherly things' and 'I told you not to do that again'.
      He took me to my room and locked the door. She had the doors switched inside out so she could be able to lock it from the outside. She thought it's help us keep distance but she was wrong.
     At night when everyone was asleep Taehyung snuck out of his room and went to sit outside mine. He asked how I was doing, I told him I was hungry. He slide a paper underneath the door and we talked that way. He told me he loved me, but I couldn't do the same. I do love him and I do want to be with him but we would never see the light if we did.

Brotherly love ~ vkook (kookv)Where stories live. Discover now