[6] Desolation of Asgard

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The entire city was afire with fear and desolation. It pained him to look upon it all, his home and everything he loved. Asgard was dying. His steps quickened when he reached the heart of the city, where an entire legion of Asgardian soldiers had been slaughtered, their bodies scattered along the staircase he had climbed ceremoniously many ages ago,  when trumpets sounded and choruses sung. Kinder times there had been.
He was struck by a sight that pierced him with an undeniable horror. It was the image of Hogun, alongside whom he had fought in the Battle Vanaheim, who had treated Ashildyr as the Warrior Four. Only this was not how Fandral imagined or hoped to reunite with his friend. A long and slender spike tore through the soldier's torso,  impaling him. His eyes were wide open, looking skyward. Fandral fell to his knees and wept,  running his gloved hand over Hogun's eyes, closing them.
"Rest well,  my friend. Valhalla gains another valiant soul." He choked on his own words as he remembered that he had lost Volstagg too. "May we meet again,"
Gathering himself at last,  he wiped his tears away with the back of his hand and rose. He felt a pull towards the throne room. He knew not why. Who did he expect to be there? Asgard was defenseless now. There was no King. Not even a Prince. No Thor,  not even Loki to lay claim.

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