[15] Stout Hearts

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Fimbuldraugr weighed heavily in Fandral's grasp as he sparred with a man named Aetor, father of two with a wife name Brüna. He was of stout heart, Fandral saw. He quite enjoyed training him and those who came after.
In the back of his mind, however, his thoughts tumbled towards Ashildyr and echoes of a life before played on.

Vanaheim had them overwhelmed. Ashildyr had dismounted the horse in favour of daggering Marauders on the ground earning a "My kind of woman!" from Fandral, who rode on ahead into the chaos.
She could hold her own with arrows piercing each Marauder that was bound for her husband or flanking her. She had a count of eleven when Fandral came round to her.
"Have we got a plan here?" he asked,  looking down at her. Sweat made his golden hair glisten in the sunlight.
"Yeah," she reached for another arrow,  "winning!" she frowned when she felt nothing but empty air. She'd run out.
A tremble shook the ground as something,  some monstrous giant came smashing through the forest. It was a Kronan.
Ashildyr's mouth hung agape.
"Have you considered turn and run?" Fandral asked. It was a genuine question. He took her arm and hoisted her onto the back of his horse, ordering the others to retreat.
"Back!  Back!  Get back,  now!"
And they rode on in fear for their lives. Ashildyr held on to his waist as tightly as she could, resting her head on his shoulder as the forest whizzed past.

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