Chapter Three

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The sun, a gentle painter, whispered its golden hues across the room, each beam a delicate stroke that caressed his face as if nature itself sought to rouse him from his slumber. Slowly, he yielded to the dawn's tender touch, allowing his eyes to unfurl like petals in the morning light. The glimmer of the sun, a silent symphony of warmth and radiance, greeted him as an old friend.

As his gaze traced the clock's rhythmic dance, he discovered that time, that elusive maestro, had conducted a nocturnal sonata without his consent. The expression that graced his countenance, once softened by sleep, now hardened a portrait of dawn's betrayal.

The ritual of sleeping through nights and toiling through days had lost its allure, the equilibrium disrupted by the obligations that commandeered his waking hours.

With a sigh that echoed the cadence of an untold narrative, he adorned himself in the armor of day, the fabric clinging to the contours of his resolve. Each garment, a silent witness to the passage of time and the transitions within. The room, adorned in the tapestry of the morning, whispered tales of the world beyond the confines of his sanctuary. He ventured outside, where shadows danced on the canvas of existence. In the gentle cadence of his footsteps, he sought solace, and in the mosaic of morning.

Betsy, one of the housekeepers, caught Roy's attention with a cheerful "Good morning." Roy, acknowledging her greeting, promptly inquired about the wakefulness of his parents. In response, Vanessa, delivered a casual yet seemingly light-hearted remark, addressing him affectionately, "honey" and expressing mild surprise at his early rising. However, Roy's reaction betrayed a hint of skepticism or confusion, as evidenced by the furrow in his brow. He wasn't entirely certain whether Vanessa's comment was genuinely lighthearted or perhaps tinged with sarcasm.

Richard, joined the exchange with a simple "Good morning" as he made his way to his seat at the dining table. Vanessa took her seat beside Richard, while Roy sat opposite his father.

After a few minutes of quiet dining, Roy finally decided to break the silence with his announcement.

His declaration hung in the air, drawing the attention of both Richard and Vanessa. His words carried weight, signaling a significant shift in his life's direction. As he spoke, there was a sense of determination and purpose in his voice, indicating that he had carefully considered his decision.

"I've taken my time to think about what mother said," Roy began, his tone measured yet resolute. "And I have made up my mind. I'd like to settle down soon, and mother does need an extra hand to run the house. I like Nyri Quincy, I want her," he continued, his words carrying conviction. "She'd make a perfect wife and good company. I am certain everyone agrees with me. Father has a deep-rooted relationship with her father. I believe we have a chance at making this happen, so I would be most delighted if you would disclose this to your friend. Let him be aware of our intention."

Vanessa couldn't contain her happiness. She stretched her hand holding his "Oh! Roy you don't know how happy you've made me, you've sparked an indescribable joy in my heart. finally you are beginning to make sense of your life, this is a big news and I hope you handle it cordially"

"Mother don't be so delighted, it's left for father to tell his friend, what I want... we want and I'll make sure I'll have her".
Vanessa felt a bit disgusted by his last statement, but she held on to the joy of him deciding.

Richard finally decided to speak "Nyri is indeed a perfect match for you, Roy. I'm pleased that you've recognized her potential. However, a man doesn't simply sit back and expect another man to handle everything for him. Or would you also like me to manage your future household?
When Pete introduced her to me, you where the man of choice. Long before now I had hoped you'd meet her, she's well bred, the both of you are still very young and can make out something work together"

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