chapter seventeen

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      Wrapped in the aftermath of their passionate night, she was nestled in the protective cocoon of his arms. The warmth of their entwined bodies spoke volumes of the emotions shared in the fervent embrace. His presence was a comforting constant, their hearts synchronized in a rhythm that echoed the profound connection between them. As she stirred, the reality of the morning unveiled itself. A momentary haze enveloped her senses, and she reached out to feel the sheets, half-expecting to find them still occupied by the remnants of their shared intimacy. However, the sheets were empty, and the sensation of solitude began to creep in. With a subtle frown, she opened her eyes to a room bathed in the gentle glow of the fully awakened sun. Her roughly tousled hair bore witness to the intensity of the night. Casting her gaze around the room, she sought a clue of his presence, but there was only emptiness. The echo of his absence lingered, and she found herself alone, surrounded by the lingering traces of their shared passion.

As a wondering thought meandered through her mind, she found herself contemplating the enigma of his departure from the bed. Questions about the depth of his feelings and the authenticity of his love for her began to cloud her thoughts. The residue of their shared night, the way he held her, and the profound gaze she glimpsed in his eyes all suggested a connection that surpassed mere physical desire. Yet, the lingering uncertainty loomed, fueled by his apparent reluctance to express emotions openly. A wave of introspection washed over her, and she acknowledged the complexity of understanding someone like him—someone who wore a mask of stoicism. The words he spoke, centered around wanting her, resonated in her mind. In these moments of contemplation, she grappled with the contrast between his actions and his seemingly emotionless facade. The struggle to decipher his true sentiments played out within her. Seeking to dispel the lingering negativity, she made a conscious effort to focus on the positive—the way he made her feel. Her fingers traced the same path his had trodden the previous night, a tactile exploration of the shared intimacy. The imprint he left on her, both physically and emotionally, became a tangible reminder of a connection she never anticipated. Despite the uncertainties, she was determined to savor the present and extract every ounce of bliss from the profound moments they shared.

As she stretched and rose from the sheets, a sudden awareness dawned upon her—she was still entirely unclothed. With a nonchalant grace, she ambled towards her box, the prospect of finding something decent to wear occupying her thoughts. However, a swift descent into disappointment awaited her as she delved into the contents of her luggage. The exclamation that escaped her lips echoed through the room, a blend of frustration and humor. "Oh, kill me now!... Debbie!... What did you pack for me?" The rhetorical question hung in the air as she confronted the reality of her wardrobe choices—or rather, the lack thereof. A quick survey of the box revealed a collection that erred on the side of alluring and short, leaving her with limited options that aligned with her quest for something more modest. In this sartorial predicament, she couldn't help but shake her head at the oversight in her packing. The absence of a suitable garment to cover herself added a touch of irony to the morning after a night of intense emotions. With a sigh, she faced the task of making do with what she had, navigating the fine line between fashion and practicality in the limited choices her luggage presented.

Surveying the room for an alternative to her scant wardrobe, her eyes fell upon Roy's shirt nonchalantly strewn across the floor. The garment, an unintended gift from the events of the previous night, beckoned to her. With a spontaneous decision, she seized the opportunity, slipping herself into the oversized shirt that cascaded down to her laps. The fabric enveloped her, imbuing her with the comforting essence of his scent—a tangible connection to the intense and passionate night they had shared. A subtle smile played on her lips as she embraced the makeshift attire. The shirt, once an intimate part of his ensemble, now draped over her form, resonating with the traces of their shared moments. It carried a certain allure, a blend of casual intimacy and lingering desire. Eager to reunite with Roy, her steps quickened as she made her way to freshen up. The anticipation of seeing him again, coupled with the desire to be at her best in his presence, motivated her to wash away the remnants of the night. A swift cleansing ritual ensued, ensuring she felt comfortable and free from any lingering sensations that might distract from the moment they would share once more, She picked up her phone and noticed tons of messages from Kate and Debbie, she blushed knowing what they were all about.

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