just a ghost now.

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A/N: WELCOME BACK (lol i thought this was fitting since this story is in gabbies pov)! anyways...i already wrote a bunch of fanfics in advance, so in the future, i probably won't be posting daily, but i'll definatly try! hope you enjoy this story! please vote and stuff lol
Disclaimer: story revolves around suicide. (ik all of my stories seem really depressing atm, guess i'm just a sad person...sorry not sorry)

-gabbie's pov-

i slid the key into the slot and turned it clockwise until i heard a gentle click. i push the door open, causing the doorframe to let out a soft creek. the scent of her perfume hit me as i stepped inside. i slide off my shoes and began walking up the wooden staircase, gliding my fingers along the smooth banister. i took my phone from my back pocket and opened the music app, taping my song. the instrumental began as i reached the second floor. i placed my phone on the kitchen counter, sitting down on a stool. i rested my head in my sweaty palm, propping up my elbow on the cold smooth surface.
i still feel your presence
the words from my own song carried to life. two months after her tragic suicide, and her presence was still with me. everywhere that i went, it followed.
once sweet but it turned sour. tried to shake your indifference, but it's too late now. i hear you in the quiet, i see you when i'm in the dark.
i could picture her sitting on the stool next to me. her smile illuminating the entire room.
you just couldn't fight for this, but it's not your fault.
it wasn't her fault. but she also didn't choose to fight...for her life. and instead it had to end in a horrible way. with so many unanswered questions. so many untold secrets.
say what you mean out loud.
please. i knew she was no longer here. i knew there was no possible way for me to know. but i wanted to. desperately. why did she choose to end it?
drowning in silence when i'm lost in the crowd. cause every sweet thing you'd never speak, it's deafening. never knowin' what could be. wish i could show you how, but you're just a ghost now.
the words rang through my ears, my head spinning. i adjusted my arms so that they were cupping my face, catching the tears that fell from my eyes.
your laughter haunts me, like a ringing in my ears.
suddenly everything goes silent and all i hear is her soft giggling. i could almost see a clear image of the two of us. sitting in this very spot, laughing over the stupidest things. sharing a moment i would forever treasure. especially at a time like this.
you left me long ago, you're still everywhere. i reach out for you. i'm desperate for your warmth. can you tell me where we went wrong. as least tell me just to move on.
"please," i mumble under my breath, even though i know no one can hear me. i clench my hand into a tight fist and force myself up, walking around her almost empty apartment. the chorus starts up once again.
say what you mean out loud. drowning in silence when i'm lost in the crowd. cause every sweet thing you'd never speak, it's deafening. never knowin' what could be. wish i could show you how, but you're just a ghost now.
i walk around her house, dragging my feet behind me. in the living room sits a single chair next to a coffee table. i sit down as memories relapse in my brain.
you're just a ghost now. but, you're just a ghost, ghost now. you're just a ghost now. you're just a--
i look to my left where the coffee table stands next to me, coasters tossed over it. i start to line them up, and much to my surprise, i find a picture frame facing upside down at the bottom of the pile. i pick it up and turn it over, revealing a photo of the two of us together at vidcon australia, where i sang my song live for the first time ever. the one that today, kept reminding me of her death. i set the picture frame down, freeing my hands so that i could wipe away the tears.
it's time to let it go. you've left me all alone. i wanna feel your heartbeat, but it doesn't beat for me no more...no.
i take the frame once again and carefully fold back the pieces of metal holding the parts together. i remove the backing, followed by the picture, and slowly skim my fingers over the image, my eyes following along.
it's time to let it go. you've left me all alone.
i fold the picture in half and slide it into my pocket, zipping it up.
it's holding me down. it's burning me up. i'm begging for sound, but i can't bring you back now...
this was true. there was no bringing her back. i held on to my left side, where moments ago i had tucked in the photo. and then came the chorus for the third and final time.
say what you mean out loud. drowning in silence when i'm lost in the crowd. cause every sweet thing you'd never speak, it's deafening. never knowin' what could be. wish i could show you how, but you're just a ghost now.
i pinched the zipper with my fingertips, sliding it open. i take out the photo and unfold it. i wanted to take it with me but i wasn't going to. i needed to let go of the past. i needed to let go of her. and this was the first step.
you're just a ghost now. but you're just a ghost now. you're just a ghost now, now. but you're just a ghost now.
with the final note, i place the picture back onto the table. i get up from my chair and retrieve my phone, sliding it back into my pocket. i tuck in a strand of loose hair and look at her empty house once again. "goodbye..." i mumbled under my quivering breath. i could almost feel her spirit acknowledging me. i turned around and walked down the stairs, tears still steaming down my face. i slip my shoes on and grab a hold of the door handle, twisting it open. i walk out and turn the key counterclockwise until i'm met with the click. i start to walk away, then glance at the door once more.
Apartment: 37B
Resident: Elizabeth Shaila Koshy
"goodbye pookie..." my voice trailed off as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

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