skin torn apart.

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A/N: for some reason, this chapter just deleted itself, but i wanted it to exist, so here it is again lol

-liza's pov-

i plopped down onto the mattress, my curly hair flying behind me and getting caught in the bed frame. but i didn't care. not anymore.

i picked up the scissors out of the small pencil holder sitting on top of my messy desk. i looked down at them, carefully examining the blades. my heart was pounding as it slowly sank down to the bottom of my empty stomach. i hadn't eaten anything for two days. i didn't care anymore. cradling the sharp blades in my left hand, and using the other to fiddle with the handle, i watched as a tear slowly falls from my cheek and landed in my exposed palm. i didn't even realize i was crying. that was the sad part. not knowing your emotions is far worse than feeling them. and mine had been mixed up for so long. but there was only one that remained; depression. i carried the scissors down the hallway and to the bathroom. i gently shut the door even though i knew no one was home, and twisted the lock until i heard a click. then, i twisted the doorknob once more for good measure. it was locked. i set the scissors down by the sink and looked up at the mirror. i no longer recognized myself. my skin was so pale, that the contrast between my face and dark eyes terrified me. loose strands of my hair had been tucked behind my ears. i was a mess. i took a deep breath and picked up the scissors. cutting was my only escape. i separated the blades enough so that i could hold it from the centre point. then, i slowly dragged the tip across my wrist. the pain satisfied me, but it wasn't enough. i hadn't even started bleeding yet. i took the blade once again, and dragged it underneath the previous scar, applying more pressure than the last. i watched as my skin was torn apart and blood started to reveal itself from my veins. tears started to fall from my face, as i slammed the scissors to the floor and fell into my own lap. no one was there. no one could've helped me. anyone who had once cared had turned their backs. anyone, meaning david.

i was stupid. stupid enough to think that he had actually cared. he did. but not about me. only about money, youtube, and views.

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