i'll see you soon.

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-liza's pov-
"through all the love, the tears, the heartbreak, the trouble, the heartbreak; yes, it was always the heartbreak. but, in the end, liza knew in her heart that it was all worth it. because of how it all ended. because it brought her to the love of her life. her one and only; david. "i gently shut the book and skimmed my fingers along the cover. "the end..." i said. i looked into his eyes, once full of love and joy, but they were no longer there. along with the rest of his memories. but it wasn't his fault. it was the alzheimers. it had started off slow and unnoticed; forgetting the little things, like where he left his keys, or how long to microwave his oatmeal. but it wasn't until one morning that i realized something was wrong.
i slowly drift back into consciousness from a long nights sleep, feeling for david next to me. i opened my eyes and scanned the room, but he was nowhere to be seen. "david?" i said. being the first words that i had spoken all morning, my voice was hoarse and quiet. i cleared my throat. "david?" i repeated. no response. i got up and reached for my glasses, letting them rest on the bridge of my nose. "honey, are you there?" i said. still no answer. suddenly, i was hit by an overwhelming feeling of fear and concern. did david...die? we were seventy-nine years old, it was due to happen any day now. we always batted around with the idea, but truthfully, i wasn't ready to lose him. out of nowhere, i heard the sound of something hitting the floor. "damnit!" i heard his voice. i sighed in relief. thank god he was okay. i followed his voice to the first floor washroom. "david, honey?" i said, knocking on the door. i twisted the doorknob and pushed it open, finding david curled up on the floor, rocking back and forth. i looked around and saw toothpaste smeared all over the sink and his toothbrush on the ground next to him. i bent down and stroked my hand along his back. "what's wrong?" i asked him. he pushed my hand away and started to shake his head anxiously. "n-n-no," he said so quietly it was almost a whisper. "i just don't remember-" he said, his voice unsteady. i put my hand on his shoulder, immediately getting pushed away again. "david, what happened?" he tilted his head in confusion. "w-who's david?" he asked. he turned to look at me, making eye contact for the first time all morning. but this time, it was different. he didn't seem like himself. he wasn't himself.
my breath was unsteady, trying to fight back the tears. david no longer remembered me. he no longer remembered anything. not even his own name, which is why i could read our story to him without causing a major freakout. published over forty years ago, the novel had made the new york times bestsellers list in under a week. it had been translated in over fifty languages and sold over twenty million copies. but that didn't matter to us. when we initially started writing, we wanted to record our journey. all the ups and downs, all the twists and turns. just another way to relive and remember our lives, which david didn't. i wished he would come back to me, even if it was just for a second. i wish i could lay my head on his chest, taking in his warmth and love. i wish i could hold his hand, playing with the tips of his fingers. as if on cue, david interrupted my thoughts. "l-liza?" he said. "i-i think i remember," he added. i turned to face him, our eyes meeting, the love and joy returned to his dark brown irises. "you do?" i said, still in disbelief. he nodded as his lips curved upwards into a smile. something i hadn't seen in a while. something i didn't know i needed to see. i scooted across the sand, moving closer to him and put my hand on top of his. "i missed you," i said to him. "and i don't want to lose you again," i continued. he stared off into the beach, getting lost in his own mind. he did that sometimes. "liza?" he said very suddenly. "yes, honey?" i responded. "i don't want to die not remembering you," he started. "and i know that i'm going to forget soon." i looked at him in confusion. "are you saying...?" i started, but my voice trailed off. he nodded in response. "only if you want to," he confirmed. i stood up, our fingers still intertwined. saying nothing in return, i just nodded and smiled. we walked towards the ocean, the water meeting us at the shore. the combination of sand and water created a muddy paste beneath our feet, as we continued walking, side by side, hand in hand. the surface of the water was hot from the warmth of the sun, but the bottom of our feet were shivering cold. we kept walking. soon, the water reached our thighs. then our stomachs. and before long, it was up to our necks. "pookie..." he said, as our eyes met. "i love you," he finished. i inhaled deeply, knowing that this might be one of my final breaths. "i love you too," i started. "but don't worry...i'll see you soon." as the last syllable escaped my lips, i sunk my head beneath the water, letting it hold my body down, as i did nothing to fight back. i kept my eyes focused on david beside me. his hair tangled in front of his face. his limbs slowly relaxing. and with that, i exhaled, for the last time.
elizabeth shaila dobrik 1996-2075
david juilian dobrik 1996-2075
A/N: okay...what did i just write? it's been a week since i've posted anything and i feel incredibly guilty (told y'all i wasn't good at commitment!) i owed it to you guys to post something, so i just sat and wrote whatever came to mind, and this is the result. i have no idea what this is and i kind of hate it. let me know what you think! (and yes, it's inspired by "the notebook". saddest movie of all time.)

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