an unspoken secret.

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A/N: what you're about to read is inspired by jade from @itsdizas on instagram. she's an amazinggg writer and i loved this story so much. this is just my recreation of it and definitely not as good as the original. to jade, you are such an inspiration to me, please keep writing. you have such talent!

-liza's pov-
i felt his hand clench a little tighter in mine. "liza," he whispered. i looked up into his eyes. they were such a deep shade of brown that they almost looked black, yet they were so caring, so full of love. we locked eyes and i gripped his hand a little tighter in acknowledgement. he continued, "i don't want this moment to ever end. i can't bring myself to leave." the corners of my lips curved upwards into a smile. "i don't ever want to be separated from you either," i replied. "but what's 2 years when we have eternal love?" he unclenched his hand from mine and glided his fingertips along my jawline, causing me to smile in appreciation. he then brought his knuckle to my chin and lifted it closer to him, so close that i could feel his warm breath on the tip of my nose. there, in that very moment, i felt happy. but in my heart, i knew it wouldn't last long. because in less than twelve hours, david had to leave. and no matter how things may have seemed on the outside, it didn't matter because it was all just a deceitful cover. just a mask that i put on so david wouldn't know how i actually felt. because deep down it tore me apart that he had to leave. i still had so many unanswered questions. so many unresolved problems. and one untold secret. but i didn't want to worry about it. not yet. even though my subconscious kept pushing me to tell him, i just couldn't bring myself to say it. so i just ignored the voices in my head and tried to live in the moment. i slowly pulled away and rested my head on his chest. i could feel every breath that he drew and i knew that with each breath, we were getting closer and closer to parting. i turned to look at him once again. "have you packed everything you need?" i asked him like an overprotective mother would have done. picking up on the joke, he responded, "yes mom". i giggled. "or at least what's allowed," david continued, gesturing towards the green duffel bag. resting on top, was the letter that brought all the bad news, all the tears. david was being drafted. not to war or anything like that, but he was going to join the military force for the next two years. one year and eight months to be exact. every second of every day mattered to me. just thinking about the time that he would be gone absolutely killed me, and suddenly i couldn't hide my feelings anymore. my mask fell and i was overtaken by my emotions. tears began to fill the corners of my eyes and they soon came tumbling down my cheeks. david grabbed me into his embrace. "i'm sorry baby, i'm so so sorry," he tried to comfort me. but it wasn't his fault. he didn't have a choice. i sat in his arms and absorbed the warmth of his chest. the love from his heart. not long after, we drifted to sleep.
david was gently stroking my hair. "good morning, beautiful," he said. my heavy eyelids begin to flutter open as a smile crept over my face. but it suddenly diminished when i realized what day it was. i rubbed my eyes and sat up, wrapping my arms around david's neck, and my legs around his torso. i looked over at the bedside table, where a mini analog clock sat; 6:57. david needed to be at the airport at 8 am. no earlier. no later. we slowly dragged ourselves out of bed as i headed to the bathroom to wash up, and david to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. i looked myself in the mirror and my subconscious took over once again. i had to tell david. and soon. i stepped out of the washroom and was greeted by the scent of cinnamon buns. i got dressed and met him in the dining room, where he was dressed, head to toe in his camo uniform. we sat down at the table and ate our breakfast without saying a word. because in that moment, words didn't need to be exchanged, everything between us had already been said. except for one thing. my untold secret. the time quickly flew by and before we knew it we were out the door. i sat in the driver's seat of the tesla. at one time it was the only thing we cared about, something that we admired so much. but now it was just another memory that would remind me of david's absence. he tossed his duffel bag into the back seat and sat next to me, holding my hand. the entire car ride was silent, until i gathered the courage to speak up, "david?". my eyes already started to welt with tears. "oh no, liza, please don't cry. i don't ever want you to be sad when you think of me. i don't ever want you to shed another tear over me." he said as he started to stroke my arm. "i love you," i said to him between sniffles. "i love you too, pookie," he responded. "just promise me this, promise me you'll wait for me. because i'll be back before you know it.". i brought his hand up to my lips and pressed a gentle kiss on the backside of his hand. we finally got to the airport and found his terminal. there, many people stood bidding farewell to their loved ones. and then it came out turn. our fingers were intertwined so perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. the world around us might have been busy, but it stopped for us. i could hear the metronome of our heartbeats, perfectly in sync. we pressed our lips against each other and shared an electrifying kiss. the last one in a while. david turned to head for the doorway but i couldn't let go. "wait," i said tugging on his hand. he turned back to face me. this time, the gloomy look on my face had been replaced with seriousness. after years of reading each other's emotions, david knew something was wrong. "what is it?" he questioned. i swing my backpack over in front of me and unbuckled it, pulling out a small white object. "you can't leave. not now." i say to him. his face shows confusion. i unclench my sweaty fist and hand him the object. he looks down at it and has a moment of realization. his face flushes immediately. "you're...pregnant?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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