Chapter 12

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"Well look who's back!" We heard.

"I did what I was told. Now let him go!"

"Oh no. Now why would I do that?"

"We had a deal, Wilford."

"No no. We had an agreement."

"You still said you'd let Mat go!"

"Nate... you knew where we were going?!" Dark snarled.

"I needed to save Mat!" I looked at him as I backed up slowly.

"How could you?!" Jack choked back tears.

I couldn't finish the deal.

But I had to.

I have to do it.

"I'm so sorry Dark." I mouthed.

"Nathan, no!" His eyes went wide.

I pulled the gun out from my waistband and aimed it.

"I'm so sorry." I was crying.

But I didn't shoot him. Or Ethan. Or Jack. I looked up and saw Natemare hiding in the corner. AntiMatter close to him.

I aimed the gun and quickly took my shot. There was a scream. Who's ? Well his of course. I had shot Wilford.

"You didn't hold your end of the deal." I growled and shot again.

I looked over to where the demons had once been and they disappeared. Quickly, I turned to Ethan and nodded. He smirked and ran to where they could be. Ethan and Cranky were going to find them and bring them back. They're strong enough to fight them together.

Wilford was on the floor bleeding out. Jack was trying to help Mark. Dark went to go find Mat. And I just waited. Waited for the demons.

I aimed the gun once more.

"I'm sorry you guys..."


A gun shot rang out.

Then a scream.

Dark had found me and we were running back. But something, no, someone stopped us. It was Natemare. On the floor. Screaming in pain and bleeding.

Oh no.





Dark stayed but I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Nate can't do this! I found where the gunshot was from.

And I couldn't believe it.

"Nate... why?!" I dropped to my knees next to his body.

He can't do this!

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