8~Party Animals

703 13 7

Party Animals

I did a whole week!! Everyone clap for me for not missing a day. Anyway this one will be carried on for two days so enjoy this.


It was the party at the end of the world. Literally life as we knew it was changing so it's times like this that we killjoys party. We party till the beat can't carry on. We party till we drop on the floor from the heat and loss of energy. That is the best thing to ever experience.

It feels like we have been driving for years although I know it's only been a few hours the party is in zone 5 which is the furthest away from the city as we know no one will be there other than the rebels and killjoys. People from the city will never adventure further than the main road out of battery, which is the start of zone 1. Honestly they don't believe that life exists after they cross over the other side they just think well that's it just desert. It's hard to believe being enslaved to BLind.

"Party you still there?" Korbra asks from the backseat behind me.

"Yeah I'm still here kid. How far away are we star?"

"Not far now poison but we still need to be on the lookout even though we are on the boarder of zone 4."

"Gotta. You guys think everyone will go?"

"They should, we made Dr D put it on the radio but some static might get a few of them." Ghoul says from behind jet, I just turn my head towards him and smirk.

"Way to lighten the mood, fun."

"You know me party, always one to have a good time." I then back around and face the road ahead.

"Will you guys stop flirting?"

"Whatever." I hear ghoul playfully punch kid in the arm.

A few hours later we arrive to a place hidden in the desert sand that only killjoys know about. It's off the road but still hidden. I doubt any dracs know about zone 5 although the extermination might but still doubtful. By the looks of it no ones here but that's the idea of the place I guess, everything is hidden from prying eyes.

"Let's raise the roof guys!" I shout as we get out of the beaten up car.

Using our special knock the door opens and in we go. Dr D is waiting for us in a small room with a microphone and tons of buttons. It reminds me of a recording studio back before Battery City took over the minds of people and now they are forced to live a life of rules or die. Sounds dramatic but to me having no thoughts, feelings, sounds or emotions is like death.

"They all out there?" Korbra asks skeptically.

"They sure are so get out there and raise the roof." With that we walk on stage to the sounds of Dr D introducing Na Na Na.

"Yo let's do this mother fucking thing!" I scream and everyone jumps up and down madly it's just a blur of bright colours and dirt. Ghoul looks over at me and just smirks as we all start playing.


We wen with Party Poison to get everyone going and moving uncontrollably. With this in mind we join in and trash about easily until we are all quite dizzy.

Randomly I think it's a good idea to run on stage and shout "Alright guys it's time to time it down a bit, I'm sorry." And walk off to join my crew of three. As soon as I do I engulf ghoul into a hug causing us to fall to the floor. "I like you Frank." I tell him using his real name.

"I like you to Gerard." How does he know my real name?


Ok so it's done yay I really enjoyed writing this ones and I hope you liked it as well as tomorrow I'm gong to make them almost carry on from each other which should be good

See you in hell


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