28~Life after mcr brake-up

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Life after mcr brake-up

I'm not going to lie to you life after MCR has been hard, I thought after it was the end of the world. Gerard started doing solo work and creating comic books, Mikey seems to be going silent for a bit but is in the process of making music, Ray seems to be focusing on his son. Me on the other hand I have no idea what is next for me, I miss my band mates and tour life; I miss it all really but most of all I miss Gerard. We were so close before the band split and now we just faded away from each other and it hurts me to know that he probably doesn't feel the same way about me as I still feel about him, after all these years my heart still belongs to him. No matter what he has done or hasn't done is irrelevant I still love him like it was revenge days yesterday.

I look up from my phone to check on my kids who are playing in the park with the other kids their age, wow they grow up so fast. Me and Jammia live separately nowadays but no one knows other than us and the kids and that's the way it's going to stay simply because once the teenagers find out it's because I couldn't love Jammia the way I love Gerard they will go insane. Petty I know but what could I do? Let Jammia believe I loved her, no I had to tell her I had fallen out of love with her and now I live in a small flat on the outskirts of town and visit my kids every chance I get.

In the distance I notice a coffee shop and instantly feel like I need some coffee put into my system before I die. "Rug Rats get over here now!" I scream at my kids who come running up to me laughing at the nick name I gave them, the thing I do with them is keep changing it overtime I call them over as a group. See I'm cool I give my kids a group nickname instead of being boring and calling them one by one.

"What dad?" Cherry asks me while sitting next to me on the bench.

"A man needs his coffee and that over there is a coffee shop." With that I scoop Miles into my arms and carry him over my shoulder over to the coffee shop with Lilly and Cherry running along behind me.

We walk in and I put Miles down, pick up his hand so he doesn't run off along with Lilly's hand as she is also prone to running away from me and lead them to the counter. "Now kiddies you can have whatever you's like." They all peer into the glass cabinet to look at the cakes before telling the polite woman working. "I will have three diet cokes to go with those as well as you know kids, they always forget the drink." I say laughing with the woman as she looks like she understands when I say that.

"What about you, sir?" Her smile beams at me.

"I'll just have a black coffee, thanks." I smile back. I bend down my kids and whisper in their ears. "Go find a table but one of you needs to stay here with me and help carry." They all nod and decide that Cherry and Lilly will go find a table while Miles and I carry. "Sorry about that. Here you go." I hand over the money for the food and drinks and we walk to the making station type part of the counter to wait for our order.

"Gerard, a black coffee and three diet cokes please." The woman calls to someone who I'm guessing is getting the drinks today.

"Right, right sorry. Bandit I will come over once I have done this order and bring over a cake for you alright." I turn around at the voice and see him with his little girl Bandit.

"Ok daddy but hurry up I might just die if I have to wait any longer without my cake." She replies in a sassy tone of voice. I simply laugh at that as she is just like her father.

"Gerard?" I ask once he turns round to walk behind the counter to get out drinks, by him turning around I was able to confirm that it was him and make conversation.

"Frank?" He replies confused and almost hesitantly almost like I'm not even there.

"That's me." Is my only reply before I just lunge forward to give him the tightest hug ever. "I missed you." I whisper in his ear while my face is squashed into his neck.

"I missed you as well." He whispers back.

"So what the hell are you doing working in a coffee shop?"

"Well my love for coffee just grew and I had to quit touring around the world to make coffee for stuck up rich people who think they are better than me when really I'm secretly rich and famous and make more money than they have ver made." He sassily replies while walking behind the counter and making a start on the drinks.

"Same old Gerard always were one to make a joke out of anythi-"

"Dad why are to talking to him? Do you know him?" Miles cuts me off, defiantly my kid.

"He's defiantly yours Frankie." Gerard smirks at me. I simple shake my head and turn back to Miles.

"Yeah he's my old band mates, you know the one who used to sing in that band with me."

"I remember. Hey erm you wanna join us? We are having a mans drink, it's called coffee you heard of it?" He asks oh so innocently.

Gerard just snickers at that as it is pretty obvious I called it that. "Yeah why not, let me just finish your drinks and I will take my break. Oh you don't mind if my daughter Bandit joins do you? She's stuck with me today."

"Nah she can talk to Cherry and Lilly about girls stuff." Miles replies sticking his tongue out.

"Right mister you go find the girls and take Bandit with you, you know introduce everyone and we will be over in a minute." I hand him a Diet Coke and Bandit one as well while they go off to the table.

"I really have missed you Frankie. It's been hell me and Lindsey are breaking up."

"Oh cool join the club it consists of me as the only member."

"But Jammia?"

"Nah. Listen I'm going to be blunt with you here. I couldn't love her because I'm still in love with you." 


And that's where I'm leaving it ohhhhhhhhh dammmmm. Also this is almost over and I don't know if I'm happy or sad about it ending either way expect more work in my other pics as I won't be focusing on only this anymore.

See you in hell


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