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Mikey way works at Starbucks and I can't help but keep going in there, I met him last year when I was on tour in New Jersey with my band. He was so frickn' hot I had to get his number but he knew that and wrote it on my coffee cup. Ha coffee cup I ment vanilla strawberry frappe with three pumps of a special source that the workers barely know about and a shot of coffee inside that, lets just say he was good at making the order quickly and correctly. I can't wait to see him I've asked him to be mine but he keeps saying ask me in person and we will see, what does that even mean? I think I love him. Is that enough to win over a Way? I went to a family meet up with him when he came to LA and I 'happened' to run into him. Ok he told me and I said I would go with him as his date. Mikey didn't call it a date so to speakalthiygh I did get to meet his brother and his boyfriend Frank who told me all about how close the brothers were and how he won over Gerard, something about high school friends and a lot of drama.

I'm in the tour bus right now just going through his town and I guess now is my chance to see him again in the Starbucks that I made sure he still worked in. "Hey guys can we get a Starbucks real quick?" I shout the the guys in the band who are mindlessly on their phones or playing music with each other, I'm way too excited to care right now.

"Yeah but Pete why have we got to go to every Starbucks that you see while we are on the road?"

"just because."

"Because what?" Patrick asks confused. I just shake my head in response and practically jump up and down in my seat while we are driving to the Starbucks in New Jersey.

We pull up in the car park just outside Starbucks and I can feel my heart pumping against my chest, it's so loud I can't understand how the guys haven't heard it yet. As soon as we stop I jump out of the bus and basically run towards the door with my bandmates behind me giggling at my earness to get coffee, little do they know why I must have all the coffee.

I told Mikey's brother, Gerard, what I was planning to do so I believe him and his boyfriend Frank are already inside with their cameras ready and filming. Mikey is going to freak out as soon as I walk in there. Thank God I made sure he was working today or else this would be one massive flop.

I push open the door and walk in without my sunglasses on, well done Pete now every teenage girl ever is running up to me trying to get me to sign stuff which I love doing but not when the love of my life is standing just over there watching and confused as to why all these people are running up to a short emo kid. "Guys give me one sec and I will sign whatever you want just not right now I have to talk to someone but the rest of the guys are just about to walk in." I smile and take this chance to run towards the counter to talk to Mikey.

"MIKEY WAY I HAVE MISSED YOU SO GODAM MUCH." I literally scream, climb over the counter and pull him into a embrace. Once I'm close enough I whisper in his ear. "Mikey Way I love you so much." I pull away to look into those gorgus eyes of his. "Will you be mine?" I plead with my eyes.

"Hmmm...the usual I imagine?"

"What?" What is he going on about?

"Drink." is his only respense before pulling away and making my drink I just stand there shocked and in the way of the workers around me. Maybe I should move out the way.

Mikey smiles and hands me my drink once I've hopped back over the counter but I take this chance to look at what he has written my name as this time, something we do in every Starbucks when I see a small note on it.

My sweet little dude, of course I will be yours but you will be mine, meaning no more numbers from cute Starbucks workers. Now stop reading this and kiss me before I slap you.

I look up with the biggest blush ever rising on my face and pull him in for a passionate kiss over the counter, well done me very predictable and classic.


Better later than never but I actually really really like this one and hope you do as well.

see you in hell


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