And She Gone. {Chapter 5}

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Luke: I took her out for some breakfast at a local diner, and then dropped her off to get her truck at the bar. She hopped out of my truck, and started towards her truck, waved bye then hopped in. Wait. No kiss? What?! Did I do something? Oh shit.

Carrie Ann: I hopped out of Luke's truck, and made my way to mine. I was just gonna see what he would do, cause I didn't kiss him or nothin'. He just stared, so I waved good bye... and crunk up my truck, and began to back up. Then in my rearview mirror, Luke blocked me with his truck! Then he hopped out and ran up to my window. I got out of my truck and just looked at him, finally I spoke,"What is it Luke?" Then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, "You didn't think I was just gonna let you leave did ya?" then he smiled, his oh so perfect smile, then kissed me, and pushed me against the truck, we kissed for what seemed like ever, then I pulled away. I couldn't breathe! "Was my Goodbye good Miss Carrie Ann?" he smiled, and whispered in my ear. I shivered, "Cowboy, you thought that was Goodbye? It ain't over yet." Then I jerked his shirt and pounced on his warm, soft lips. I added a little tongue this time, and I pulled away. "Now that! Was see you later." I added a wink and got back in my truck, and made my way out by hopping the sidewalk, but it worked. I sped off, leaving him in shock.

Luke: MY GOD. She was so perfect, and that kiss was somethin' else. I ain't ever been kissed like that! Without the girl being drunk that is. She sped off, hopping the sidewalk to get out. And she could drive too! Damn! I think I found her! My 'The One'.

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