New Look {Chapter 82}

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I woke up from my nap. No Carrie Ann. And I was laying in the floor. I sat up “What the hell?” I mumbled. I got up and went down stairs. Mama and Carrie Ann sitting on the couch just staring at me. “What?” Mama suddenly busted out laughing. “What’s so funny?” Carrie Ann giggled. “My son…” Mama got up and came to me. “I understand you love Carrie Ann. But a doctor has a lot of money-“ “YOU TOLD HER ABOUT YOUR GAY GYNECOLOGIST!?” I yelled.

“YES!” She busted out laughing. I flushed bright red. “It’s not funny.” I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. I came back in the living room and shot Carrie Ann a look. Mama was still laughing in the recliner. “I can’t believe it. My son has a man!” “Not funny.” I plopped down. Opposite from Carrie Ann and sat still staring straight ahead.

Carrie Ann:

“Oh come on Luke. It’s pretty funny.” I nudged him. Like a statue he remained still. “You’re gonna pay.” He growled under his breathe. The oven dinged. “I’LL GET IT!” Mama sat her beer down and ran into the kitchen. “Fresh pot roast for my babies!” I tugged Luke’s shirt. “Food baby.” “I’m not that hungry.” He muttered. “How come you are still mad?” “I’m not. I’m just not hungry.” I pouted and walked into the dining room.

“He’s not hungry.” I told mama. She flinched. “Not hungry. He’s gonna get hungry.” She stormed into the living room. Shouting at Luke, I hear the squeal emerged from Luke. She definitely had him by the ear. He came in, “MAMA MAMA LET MY EAR GO!” She released him and pushed him at the table. “NOW. We are going to eat.” She pleasantly smiled and sat down like nothing happened. Luke’s mouth gaped open.


Okay. The food looked good. But I didn’t appreciate my own mother dragging me by the ear… She said prayer and served the food. I slowly chewed the delicious food, but careful not to make a sound. “Luke speak.” Carrie Ann ordered. “How are you feeling baby?” I questioned. She smiled, “I feel a lot better now that you’re talking.” I laughed.

“Mama this is good.” I looked down at my plate, careful not to make eye contact. “Thanks honey. I’m sorry for hurting your ear.” “Thanks.” I mumbled. We finished up eating and I cleaned up. I joined the women back in the living room. “What are you ladies up too?” “We want to go shopping. ”Carrie Ann stated. “It’s 5:00…” “We want to go now. We are going now.”

Mama got up “Okay I’ll take you.” “No. We are gonna go.” Carrie Ann got up and went upstairs. Coming back minutes later in jeans. “What kind of shopping?” I was urging to go. “Lady shopping. See you later baby.” She pecked my cheek. “Okay. Love you.” They left and I plopped down on the couch. I kind of pouted. Well. Looks like I’m getting drunk tonight.

Carrie Ann:

“Do you like it?” I turned to Mama. Sitting at Sally’s Beauty Shop. Mama’s jaw hit the floor. “HONEY YOU ARE GORGEOUS. LUKE WILL LOVE IT.” “You think so?” I played with my newly dyed and trimmed hair. I went darker and had blonde streaks added. Mama was literally jumping up and down. “That is so pretty.” The stylist seemed pretty proud. Mama paid for it, her treat, along with all my new clothes, baby clothes, and a gorgeous pair of boots.

I giggled and got in Mama’s car. “Let’s roll honey.” I crunk up the music, and we jammed to one of Luke’s Unreleased CD’s. We both knew every word. Mama finally swerved in the driveway, and we got out. It was 8:00, and starting to get dark. Mama helped me inside. Along with all my bags and boxes. She treated me so well. I sure hope Luke would like all this.


I heard the keys jingle in the door. I shot up from my position on the couch. I hobbled to the door way. My feet numb from sitting so long. I only had a couple beers, so I was just buzzed. Mama came in first. “LUKE ARE YOU READY?” “For what?” I kind of slurred. “This!” The bags dropped. Carrie Ann stepped in. Darker hair, makeup on, gorgeous clothes. “What the hell have you done?” I grumbled. “Everything! I even got waxed!” She winked.

How could we afford all this? Now? “You look…” “What?” Carrie Ann said. Mama retreated to the living room. “Your hair. It’s-“ “Dark I know. I needed a change.” I suddenly pushed her against the wall. “You look fucking sexy.” I kissed her. “Luke.” She coughed out. “Beer breath.” She laughed and waved her hand. “Here let me help you.” I picked up some of the bags and carried them upstairs. “How did you buy all this?” I asked. Peering into the bags. “Mama. She insisted.” “THE GIRL NEEDED IT LUKE.” I heard a beer pop open. I laughed. Women.

Baby Do I? {Luke Bryan Fan Fiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang