Till My Wings Show

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Jungkook's pov
Since the news got to us, everybody went to their rooms, I was alone in my room, staring blankly at the wall, Jin hyung running through my mind, the person who had the courage to talk to me before, nobody tried to except for him, he talked to me and he made my heart warm.

Now, my heart is cold, broken, I was hurting, but not as much as he is and I know that for a fact. Jin hyung, he's special to me, he's lovely and kind, he's sweet and joyful, confident but not arrogant, he was always positive and smiling. He was an angel...A guy like him doesn't deserve to be treated this way, to live this way, in fact, to even live in such a cruel world like ours. He had nothing people needed to be mad about, to be negative about but they always found stupid reasons to put against him.

He was talented in his own way, his voice was sweet and lovely to listen to. He's perfect but no one ever saw that. It hurts me to know that the Jin hyung I saw was only a facade, I don't have a clue since when but if he was cutting, then he would've been feeling terribly for a long time now and that makes me hate every single moment of this even more.

I swore to myself that I'll rid of a person like him to any cruelness and mistreatment, he deserved so many good things but never got them. I dreamed of a life with him, I wish to grow old with him, to have him by side forever. I don't want him to leave, and I don't want to lose him because of the words and treatment of other people.

How can an angel get such a cruel fate? To be treated as if he was a sinner? I sighed and lied down on my bed then I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to take over.

My eyes snapped open and I saw nothing around me. I was laying down on a white bed, around me was an endless abyss of darkness. Nothing to be seen, to be heard. I scooted to the end of the bed and stood up, I kept walking and walking and I knew I was getting nowhere but I didn't stop. I then saw a figure, with a glowing flower on the spot where the heart is at. I couldn't see the figure clearly and everytime I tried to get closer, it got farther away.

It then grew wings, pure white wings, it looked pretty but it was broken, it looked worn out. The glowing flower then started to flicker, the figure's hand moved to his chest and it's wings continued to break. The feathers were falling to the floor, it started getting small holes that slowly got bigger. The figure then glowed as well, it was a boy, I can easily recognize it, it was Jin hyung. He then started to tremble and my surroundings started to crack. I looked around, panicked.

"Jungkook..." I quickly faced him and I saw him looking at me with a smile, his right wing was only hanging to the lower half now, the glowing flower on his chest looked dead. Pieces of the wall started to fall down and white butterflies started flying in, surrounding Jin hyung. White lilies then started to fall around us. "I'm sorry" A bright flash then happened and when my eyes recovered from it, he was gone.

The fallen pieces from the darkness then started to have light seeping out of it. It was shining on me, causing a shadow. I turned around and saw large wings as a part of my shadow, connected to my back. I started to tear up and crying, I fell on my knees and the wings on my shadow was slowly getting smaller until I saw a bird flying towards me. A raven perhaps based on the feathers.

I reached my hand out and it landed itself on it. I smiled, "I'll grow wings like Jin hyung, and I'll carry him out to the sky and free him from all this cruelty, I can never be an angel like him, but it would be a great honor to be the saviour of such a kind hearted angel" The raven moved his head up and down and it flew away and I then closed my eyes.

I woke up and looked around the room, I was dreaming. I smiled and lifted my hand up, running it through my hair.

"Don't worry hyung, till my wings show, I'll hold your hand and we'll run away from this world..together"

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