War For Love

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Yoongi's pov
I might have been being too clingy with hyung but honestly, I don't mind at all. I never really showed my affection for Jin hyung on-camera, subtly yes, but not too much, I'd rather show it off-camera but now, even when doing VLives or interviews, anywhere and anytime, I'd be giving all my attention to hyung but to the others as well, so I won't be too obvious.

But I believe I already am, it has been 5 days since that unforgettable day and I've acted differently towards him, the others as well which doesn't make me feel too good inside. Sometimes, I get mad, sorrowful and such when things happen between hyung and the others, with all these emotions I'm hiding, I don't think I can handle it for any longer.

Hoseok's pov
That scene in the two hyungs' room never leaves my mind, I've grown distant but at the same time...closer? Even though I won't hang around the two for quite a while, when I do, it will take so long. Showing all of my love for Jin hyung but in a way where I only treat him as a hyung, a friend. Even though I know that I see as more of a friend.

Namjoon's pov
I've observed the others changed behavior towards Jin hyung, even though they showed him affection before, this is in a different level, they started pecking him on the cheeks, the forehead, hugging, cuddling him. I don't think Jin hyung thinks too much about it, he is an oblivious innocent person. I don't like those things they do with him, not a single bit.

Jimin's pov
The rage inside me hasn't vanished, it's still there and worsening. Every single day, they'd cling to him, they'd have him all to themselves which lessened my time to be with the person I love! I'm gonna make an end to this, maybe not now, but I will. I'll never give up on him.

Taehyung's pov
Weirdly, I'll always find myself with Jin hyung, hanging out with him, playing with him, watching with him, I mean...I even asked him to take a bath together again! Which I was happy that he didn't mind at all and agreed. I may not be as smart as the hyungs and I guess.. Jungkook, but I'm sure as hell that I'm not stupid to not even realize that I have feelings for Jin hyung. Maybe, I just started doing all these things with him because I didn't like the new and improved, leveled up relationship he has established with the others.

Jungkook's pov
The angel stole my heart. He snatched it from me and now he owns it. But he seems to have stolen the others' as well which is not a good sign. I love Jin hyung a lot, like more than before,maybe because of his state that I wanted to give him all the love he's lost from other people? Maybe because I wanted to treat him like an actual angel or even a princess? Or maybe because, I was really jealous of everyone else being with him more often than before? Yeah, all of them makes sense but I think the third one suits me as a reason the best.

3rd person view
And the sudden realization of the 6 boys that they had entered a competition for their eldest hyung, they had took this game of War For Love seriously.

Let the games begin!

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