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Once upon a time there were two kingdoms. One of angels and the other of demons. The two kingdoms never like each other. They were the opposite of each other. Everything was different nothing was alike. But that all was about to change. And that very person. Who was going to change everything was a hybrid of both races.

A/N Hey guys I made this story because I was bored and had nothing to to so yeah I made this. I'm still working on it and I think it is kinda good but it need more detail but since this is just the prologue I can spice it up a bit.
I don't own the characters but I do own there traits and the story so yeah. When I get done with this story I think I'm going to do a Fairytail and Diabolik Lovers crossover.
If you like where my story is going so far please follow me if you want. Don't judge the story to hard because this is my first story.

The demon and angel:A Nalu Fairytail Story [Disconnected]Where stories live. Discover now