Chapter 1 - Monday Madness

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The room is dark. The candles offer just enough light for observation. Our shadows flickers the lit candle flame as the incense burns. My silhouette's like a painting on the wall. I back pedaled slowly as you led me to the wall, near my closet. Against the hard yellow accent wall, we stood face to face. Gazing into each other's eyes, I can feel our bodies floating on a river of water, gliding so beautifully. I wrapped my arms around your chocolate neck as your strong construction- worker hands curiously massaged my spine. In caressing my lower body, my heart is beating through your hard chest. My right leg slowly goes up the back of your left as I slowly bring you deeper into my personal space.

With Bryson Tiller playing in the background, the mood is perfectly set. I bit my lip and then it happened, you started to kiss me. I started kissing you back. Our tongues immediately got to know each other, as we moaned from the taste. The more we kissed the more my heart raced. Our body heat adds more fire to the lit candle, producing an aroma ripe for intimacy. The tighter my arms were around your neck, the more of a grip you had on my waist.

You started kissing and sucking on the right side of my neck. How did you know that was my spot?  As I grabbed you tighter, tighter and tighter, the piercing sounds of the alarm clock immediately ejected me of a world of passion.

Then came the banging on the door.
"Sanai, Wake up!"

I looked at my phone and 7:00 AM Monday morning became my reality. I'm immediately depressed. I turned off the alarm and yelled at the intruder,
"I'm up, I'm up!" as I rolled over attempting to get out of bed.

I'm so rude, My name is Sanai, Sanai Campbell. It's Monday morning and I'm really not in the mood but since you're here, I'll introduce myself at least. Mondays are typically a drag, never can find something to wear, exhausted from
The weekend and what you put off on Friday is apart of today's to-do list, ugh annoying!

I finally found the strength to get out of my lavender and burgundy silk comforter set and head to the restroom. Immediately I hear, "Beyoncé - End of time," coming from the living room, of course! I hear finger-snaps and foot-taps, every ingredient I need to become annoyed. Oh God, now she's singing. I tuned out the noises as I stumbled to the restroom. It's too early for this but of course, no one cares, including my first-cousin and roommate, Faith Reynolds.

I stand 5'9 looking in the mirror as I dry off my body. That shower was exactly what I needed to wake up. I had to wipe the mirror to see my brown skin, I love the skin I'm in. Being the perfect mix of Indian & African-American gave me the soft brown skin, the thick hair and the body that's idolized. People pay thousands of dollars for something that I inherited; with all of my flaws, there are no complaints here.

Maybe falling asleep in the shower wasn't the best idea. Now I'm running late, my life. Getting dressed is a pain when you don't want to miss the train. My train from The Bronx to Manhattan will definitely be crowded and I can't be late. Catching the 4 train at Fordham road seems worse than New York City traffic in the morning. With everyone working in Manhattan, if you don't find a seat quickly, you'll be standing for what it feels like the rest of your life.

Off to H&M I go. I've been working at H&M for about 4 years now. Being 23 years old and the youngest manager at the 5th Avenue branch, the pressure is always on. I have to make sure I'm always on my A game. I don't mind putting anyone in their place. Seems like they love to try me because I'm young. Trust me, I'm never sleep. You never know who wants your spot and what you've got.

Of course, I didn't find a seat but it's fine. Why am I not surprised? This train is super packed, shoulder to shoulder. It's a bit uncomfortable, especially with this this woman in-front of me smelling like 3 days of sweat and work.

Welcome to New York, rats, hotdogs, and sweat.

As the train is shifting whoever's not holding on to a metal bar, a pregnant woman sitting nearby is staring all In my face, pet peeve. My nose is burning and she could sense my discomfort. I guess the only way to get a good seat in the morning is to have a baby inside of you. Now that I think about it, I don't mind standing! Though it's tight, the train's view of the shining sun is beautiful. I have my Hot Venti Americano with 2 pumps of classic and 3 of Carmel jamming to my Bruno Mars & Tank playlist.

This is the life, well my Monday medicine.

Wearing my black fitted blouse that accentuated my shape, dark blue skinny jeans, black tailored blazer and black NIKE sneakers, I'm comfortable. I have my black 8.5 inch pumps in my Michael Kors bag, I had a feeling I wasn't going to find a seat. Always have a back up plan.

Finally getting off the train, I notice the time, 8:57 AM! I almost dropped my coffee! I have about 3 minutes to run 6 blocks. Add the traffic of people and traffic lights, this is annoying. Bracing myself, I run off the train, up the stairs, and sprinting down the block. You could easily mistake me for the New York Giants trying to make a touchdown before the fourth quarter ends.
"Excuse me, Coming through," I said trying to get people out of my way. After bumping a few shoulders, "Sorry!" was the only word I knew.

My long jet black hair is flying through the wind. My gold hooped earrings jingles in harmony with my gold platted necklace. Running out of breath but I know I can't slow down or I'll be late! Running full speed, I didn't notice the 6-foot man running towards me. When we finally saw each other, it was too late. We collided head on! His gray Gucci suit is now worn by my Americano! Thank God the coffee cooled down by now! It felt like I ran into a brick wall! The impact was so hard one of my earrings feel out!

"Jesus Christ!" He yelled

"Oh my God! I am so sorry" I said getting off the ground though seeing stars.
He responded trying to calm down, "It's fine, I'm alright."

As he's helping me adjust, I pulled out paper towels from my purse, attempting to wipe his white shirt and blazer.

"You don't have to all of that," he said.

Watching people walk by us, I was completely embarrassed. Way to go Sanai!
I started talking a mile a minute, "Sir, I will pay for the drying cleaning! I'm really sorry! I was in a rush trying to get to work, I woke up late, stood on the train, woman stunk, other's staring, it's Monday everything's going wrong—"

He interrupted, "Miss, Calm down it's fine"

As I paused and got a chance to look at him, this 6'1" visual stimulated my brain causing me to speak in slow motion. He was fine! His skin was the color of my coffee, with light brown eyes that are easily hypnotizing, topped off with his short tapered haircut and perfect pink lips. Though his coffee-stained suit, I could see his toned body and can point exactly where his packs start. Wasn't sure if I should wipe his clothes or take them off right here!

Sanai, get it together!

I've never felt apologetic and turned on at the same time, mixed emotions. I could not get past the smell of the coffee to smell his cologne but I could imagine it as something seductive.

I responded, "I still would like to pay for your dry cleaning, that's the least I can do"

He answered, "I won't argue with that, here's my card."

He pulled his card out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket and continued,
"When you're prepared, give me a call"

I responded, "Will do, I'm sorry again"

I looked at the time and it read 9:15AM.
I yelled, "I have to go!"
I started to run and yelled again, "I will call you!"

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