Chapter 3 : A Mouth Full

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Riding in the back of a yellow cab, I received a text message. It came from Jeffrey saying, "Hey, I just got here."

I said to Devon, the driver, "Hey, how far are we?"

Devon responded, "3 minutes Ma'am."

"Thank you", I said as I continued to text Jeffrey the time of my arrival. Devon is grilling me through the mirror but my focus is Jeffrey. The Uber car smells like fresh laundry with a hint of cool water cologne. Even with the comfortable fragrance, I'm extremely nervous about meeting him.

It feels like a date when I'm simply paying for my mistake. This is weird but yet intriguing. Why am i getting butterflies? Maybe I'm too mentally invested. All i did was spill my coffee on him! God knows I haven't had any male attention in a very long time. Plus, I'm not looking. With the experiences I've had and the hurt I've endured, a relationship is the furthest from my mind. I'm not numb, let's just say Cupid has not been nice to me.

I put a little effort into what I'm wearing, I had to! Since I know what he does, I know he'll be dressed. I always want to make a good impression but, I didn't want to look too dressed. I had to play it cool! I wore an oversized burgundy sweater that covered my butt just enough for you to see there's something plump there, black skinny jeans with rips on both sides to showcase my thighs, Black and white vans with burgundy interior, gold accessories, nude lip and I might have applied a little makeup for when the sunlight hits me the right way. I wore my hair in a high bun. It was hell to get this hair to act right. I'm not going to lie, I'm feeling really cute right about now. Not to mention wearing my Victoria's Secret Bombshell to turn heads when my scent creeps past. This is my, "Husband Snatcher" perfume and trust I'm ready! Nah let me stop!

Finally, we pulled up to Sammy Dry Cleaners & Tailors on E 22nd street. I look out of my window and there he is; standing in the front with a Black and tan overnight bag. I guess the suit is in there. He's wearing a navy blue and white Adidas sweat suit which fitted his 6-foot 1 body so perfectly. He paired his sweat suit with white size 11 Air Jordan Retro 4 Basketball Shoes. I just knew he'd be dressed up!

I felt my eyes go cross-eyed, Lord have mercy)

His simple outfit with his sex appeal still turned me on. The window inside the car is melting from my x-Ray vision. Not to mention his white gold diamond necklace  and diamond earrings.

I got out of the vehicle. When I opened the car door, Jeffrey's attention was on the car, on me. Showtime! I had to get out with grace and walk sexy but not too hard. I gave just enough for him to notice my body and confidence.

I walked towards him and he met me half way. Every step closer to him, I felt like I was losing myself. The way he stared at my breast through my shirt made me want to pour coffee on him again , so he'd have to take his shirt off!

I dropped my phone and purse, he dropped his overnight bag and we immediately started to kiss. It was magical! Our tongues began to tickle each other's warm mouth. His breath was so fresh like Ice Breaker gum. The chill was the perfect sensation to go along with his full lips pressed against mine.

With my soft hands on his face and his strong arms around my waist, we were getting lost in each other in the middle of the sidewalk of E 22nd Street but no one seemed to care or even notice us. My body is getting hot from the seducing kisses and his built body.

I heard a voice say,
"Ma'am we're here", It was Devon the driver.

Shattering my daydream, I realized I was still in the car in front of the cleaners. I gave Devon a tip even though he broke my stimulated concentration.

After getting out the car, Jeffrey walks to me saying, " Hello, Miss Starbucks", with a smirk.

"Are we still on that?" I said with a smile.

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