01. bandito

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She didn't plan on going on a run that day. It's just that cop came out of nowhere. There she was eyeing a shiny red apple at the fruit stand when the next thing she knew she found herself being yelled at by the owner and a cop on her tail.

Her heart was racing faster than her feet could move, making her breaths come out in rapid huffs.

In. Out. In. Out.

The red bandana around her neck gathered more sweat with every slap of her foot against the pavement. Beads ran down her skin in rivets and the apple in her grasp would probably bruise by how tight she was holding it.

The thought of getting caught again pushed her feet to move faster. She was just hungry. Wasn't that cause enough?

This one was a runner. From the glimpse she got of him he was on the young side.

So what she stole an apple. It was better than the dumpster trash she'd been eating for the past two days. Plus, doctors said to eat one every day. Who was she to deny keeping a doctor away?

If she didn't lose this cop soon she'd have to go down to the station. Down at the station was where the creepy man was. He wore a cap, but she was sure his eyes seemed to seek her out every time in that crowded building. Although they did have donuts the last time she was there. When was the last time she had a donut?

She slowed her pace just a tad before hearing the cop not too far behind her.

"Stop right there!"

She didn't. Instead, she scrambled into an alley and quickly dove into a dumpster burrowing herself deep under the trash and stayed as still as possible.

The cop caught up to the last spot he saw her, skidding to a stop in front of the alleyway. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and took cautious steps inside.

He stepped up to the dumpster. A peek showed him nothing but trash. He gazed up and surveyed the alley once before leaving and going back the way he came.

When she was sure he was gone, she popped up inside the dumpster and stood to her feet, apple still in hand. She removed a banana peel from the frizzy curls atop her head before taking a generous bite of her apple. Leaning against the dumpster, she peered at the entrance of the alleyway with a grin and juice running down her chin.

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