03. kala

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Her eyes shifted from the sparkling diamond to her reflection in the jewelry store window.

People like her couldn't have nice things.

So she took one last longing look through the window before merging with the throng of people on the sidewalk. She bumped into a few. Each time hiking her messenger bag higher on her shoulder.

Soon more and more people began to crowd the sidewalks.

Where did all these people come from? she thought.

Her chest began to tighten. It was an effort to take in more oxygen.
Her breath came out in short pants and the sidewalk seemed to sway beneath her feet. The walls were closing in and she was about to get squashed.

She squeezed her eyes shut before sprinting through the crowd to an abandoned alley. Slumping against the brick wall, she slid down until her bottom hit the ground. Deep breaths were met by slow ones as she calmed her erratic heart.

With one final breath through her chapped lips, she slung her bag in front onto her lap. Her hands trembled as she lifted the flap. She rifled through the bag until her hands wrapped around something cold.

A diamond encrusted bracelet that caught the sun and scintillated across her skin like stars.

People like her couldn't have nice things.

Not unless you took them for yourself.

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