05. jackie

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She zoomed past pedestrians on her skateboard in her favorite fairy dress and a pair of rainbow socks that were all stretched out from being worn too much.

The breeze whipped through her hair as she took to the streets of Chinatown.

Tourists and foodies alike flooded the sidewalks and streets like ants. It was almost too crowded for her to ride. Nonetheless, she navigated through the throng with an expertise one can only get from years of practice.

She came upon a little restaurant- Fried Dumpling - slipping her foot to the tail of the board, popped it and caught it by the nose. She carried it inside with her and headed straight for the counter. Past all the people waiting in line.

Without so much as a word, Jackie swapped the dollar bill she had with a carry out plate the lady at the counter handed her. She nodded a thank you before leaving and checking the plate once she was outside.

Ten fried dumplings.

For as long as she could remember, the little restaurant gave her ten dumplings instead of the normal five. And all for just one dollar.

Satisfied, she hopped on her skateboard and left Chinatown, plate in tow. She rose and rode until she was more into the city. Her little legs were beginning to get tired, but she was close enough to the bridge to start walking for a while.

Just as she was about to ride into the street, she collided with a biker. She flew from her board and dropped the carry out plate to break her fall.

Onlookers came to help as the biker profusely apologized to her.

She ignored them and checked her skinned elbows and legs. Then her eyes fell on her skateboard. Almost completely snapped in half. Not far from the board was her carry out plate. She gingerly crawled towards it and peeked inside. She closed it and went to gather her skateboard.

The crowd was still surrounding her and the biker when she decided to leave while dragging her broken board behind her and eight fried dumplings.

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