04. mj

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Smoke traveled toward the sky in swirly white wisps. The air around him couldn't even be clouded by smoke seeing as he was in an abandoned building with no ceiling.

He sat flat on his back, dreads spread out around his face, and took a long drag of his joint before blowing out several smoke circles to float up to the sky.

With his eyes closed, he finished the remains of his joint and flicked it somewhere in the building. He interlocked his fingers laying them on his stomach.

Colors and unidentifiable images danced inside his closed eyes making him smile and laugh. He scratched his nose ring.

Suddenly, the building started to rumble and creak around him.

He lazily sat up rubbing one side of his face before looking around. Either the drugs were taking a toll on him or the building was actually about to come down.

With a lazy grin plastered on his face, he stood on unbalanced legs and hobbled his way to the broken window of the building.

A giant wrecking ball was heading his way.

He ever so smoothly got out of the way and watched as the giant metal ball tore through the building like a knife through butter.

Was this real? Or was he hallucinating?

Either way, he wanted to leave. If only he had his bag. Where did he put it?

He gazed around until they landed on the other side of the building. The side the wrecking ball separated him from.

Before he could make a sensible decision on what to do, the floor beneath him suddenly caved in. Down he went with the rest of the building.

The condemned building sat in its own pile of debris and rubble about to be cleared out by the workers.

Somewhere in the middle of it all, a pile of boards began to move and shift. Out came Mj covered in dirt and dust. He yawned and looked beside him. Not even a meter away from him sat his book bag. He gingerly reached over to grab it and stood. He slung it over his back, not bothering to dust himself off.

Workers stood around baffled as he walked away from the wreckage like he didn't just fall from a building.

The sidewalk met his feet finally. He yawned again, sticking his hands in his pockets and limped away.

Wherever he was sleeping tonight, if he found a place, there was a chance when he woke up he wouldn't even remember what had just transpired.

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