Day 4

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When I wake up and walk around trying to fully wake up, Tek went to some desert village a ways away.

I grab a my special stick and swing a few times at a tree, trying to practice.

After a bit I just gave up and moved over towards our chest, opening it I found some apples so I grabbed those and munched on them a bit.

I decided to explore so I ran outside towards a small dungeon I know Tek wanted to clear out for the base. I pulled out my bow and shot the mobs down one by one.

When they were all cleared out I skipped inside and found a small torn up treasure map, I flipped it over and written in Doven it said;

Follow the path to find the ice queen,
She rules with a iron fist,
Her icy wings casts darkness on her lands,
Those who slay her will get a bountyful treasure,
A few eggs, three.
Silver, Blue, and White.
Speed, Smarts, and Might.
But don't be greedy.
Think of the needy.
Sometimes the greatest treasure is the friends we make on the adventure~

I read it to myself before deciding I wanted to go fight this dovah.

So I packed some extra food and tools, my special stick on my hotbar I started on my journey following the map.

--skippy dipping! Wait no skinny dipping? Wgaf--

Skipping and humming down the trail that was now in a glacier, I was getting close now.

I notice a girl with purple hair and wolf ears and tail fighting with a pendent,

"Hi!" I wave at her

She doesn't look up and replies with "Howdy"

I'm confused but just shrug it off "how ya doing?"

She looks slightly uncomfortable and let's go of her pendent, "um.... Hi?"


How are you?" I ask smiling taking a note of her uncomfortably

"I'm ok, you?" She asks nonchalantly

"I'm great! Thanks for asking!" I Yelp excitedly

"Um is there anything you need?" She asks bluntly

"Oh um no, I was just passing and you're the first person I've seen other then my friend so I just wanted to--" I continue rambling like I always do

"Oh shiz did I sound rude?? I'm sorry it's just the last person I talked to sorta had a facade and I sorta scared them with something" she tells me quickly her ears lowering sadly

"Oh it's fine! Tek sometimes gets that way too! I know I tend to get over excited and confusing..." I tell her smiling

"No it's okay, I didn't really get to know them that much, but I did get her name" she tells me

"Oh yeah! I'm Samantha!" I introduce myself reaching out to shake hands

"I'm Mak but I'm also fine with being called Mika " she says shaking my hand

"So what brings you here?" I ask getting excited about my new friend

"I uh, sorta got lost..." She pauses in between

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