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Gabrielle's P.O.V

It felt kind of reassuring having Felix beside me holding my hand while I was having a fear of heights meltdown. I mean sometimes he is really kind and thoughtful the other times he's a sexy looking but childish dick.

I really don't wanna spend a few days with him as my partner I was hoping to at least have another female as my partner because it would make it less awkward when it came to sleeping.

I am the class president so it means that I have to be an example to those around me and a role model for little kids to look up to.

When we got to the camping zone there was nothing but trees and grass, a mini unisex toilet & two showers that only ran cold water. The good thing about this camping area is that there's a really beautiful beach if you follow the sandtrack behind the showering areas.

It was time to set up our tents and Felix being Felix refused to set up the tent the school was providing for us he was talking so much until he got the teacher to give him permission to set up his own tent for me and him. His tent felt like a castle it was so big and spacious on the inside and what made it better was that it had  built in air mattresses.

"I kinda don't like using public tents because we don't know who's used them and what's happened inside them and with my tent its more comfortable and I know there won't be any germs in here ... Unless -" Felix began to explain why he made such a huge fuss and before he could finish the second half of whatever it was he was going to say I literally just ran into his tent and lay there.

His tent was honestly so amazing because the inside was really big and comfortable whereas the roof was clear so we could see the stars when we were sleeping.

"Don't worry I love your tent already." I said in a reassuring tone, his tent felt like home.

- Time skip -

It was now night time and I was lying in the tent with Felix beside me. I think he was asleep I wasn't too sure but I was definitely enjoying the starry night sky view. I was really bored and like I knew there was a beach I wanted to go for a swim. I went into my suitcase and took out my bikini walked to a different part of the tent where Felix couldn't see me and got dressed into my bikini. Just as I was about to walk out of the tent Felix grabbed my ankle with his hand.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked me in a sleepy voice which was really attractive.

"The beach, no one else is awake wanna come?" I replied to Felix and asked him if he wanted to come with me down to the beach.

As soon as i asked him he literally stood up as fast as the speed of light and nodded his head like a cute sleepy puppy.

I hardly know Felix but he seems really soft and fluffy it would be great to get to know him better.

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