Chapter 1

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I princess of the winter, will not doom my self ever again. I will make myself untouchable un-takable   to anyone and will take my studies very seriously, and take combat if my defence break. I will be empress and hold this kingdom with an iron grip and will never let go until, every single blood is gone from my body.

Age 5

Today I will be meeting the fall prince and heir to their empire today. As I remember quiet well I fell in love with him, and became his stalker and made path to my doom and untimely death in heads of the woman he loved, and I tried to kill.

Tch....rather go to war with empire then face the boy.

Time skip

Right now he is trying to talk to me but I in the other hand unresponsive to him. I will not fall to this spell ever again. I rather die by poison then talk to the prince, I greatly despise him. I don't even care if he declares war to my empire. I am already hailed a prodigy in combat, swordsmanship and my studies. So I can defend myself.

"I heard you can use a sword. How about a duel?" He asked cheerful.

I got  interested and looked at him and nodded as agreement.

I got sword and pointed at him even though I am princess, I am not wearing a dress right now. It's horrible to wear a dress, it's so hard to move and dodge attacks, so I prefer to wear boyish clothes at the castle and wear dress outside, so my standing won't get stained.

"START!" He yelled.

I came rushing towards him clashing his sword with my. I see he is surprised by strength, it's understandable. But have you heard a lady doing 50 push-ups a day? Well, that me and I earn this strength with that.

"So? How are you going to get out of this?" I asked titling my head. I feel like teasing him. I did make him be in a corner.

He looked at me and placed surrender to me. I feel very proud, in my old self I will never had to chance to feel glory, so this is new to me and it feel great.

"Your really good!" He praise.

I flinch. This boy praise me this boy who despise me and even insult me by this "I hope, when she kills you in your new life you will die a hundred deaths." So cruel, but I cried by that, but I will never shred a tear nor find love again. Love to me is just an illusion and I die by this illusion. So I will not make this mistake ever again. I declare, I will cold and cruel to my opponent.

"Thanks." I said as I place back the sword to the shed and walk back to my castle to get water.

He followed me. I hated that I even tried to lose him but he always at my tail it's annoying and also spread whisper to the maids of place. I in other hand was in a very bad mood so if someone did sometime not my liking. Pray to god all I have to say.

"Hey! Do you like magic?" He asked poking me in the process.

I turned around to face him."well, it's ok but I only use it, if necessary." I answered.

I turned back around and continue to find my water which is a few more walks away. But to tell the truth about Magic I didn't really like it at all even though, I got lucky to have ice and wind also healing magic in my old life. I didn't really like the magic I got because it still didn't get me attention at all, even though I got both of the kingdom main Magic as well healing as a bonus, I completely neglected it. But this time maybe I'll practice, but maybe I don't have those magic this time I'll see I'll sneak at my parent room to test it.

After getting my water and trying to avoid the prince he finally had to leave. I didn't know why I got attention from him. From what I recall in are first meeting the roles was totally opposite.

I decided to forget this predicament and switch my goals to see what my Magic is. Even though I suppose to know this, I will have it next month because, I have other lessons to worry about in my life right know. And I am un patiently in this matter I want to know if I will be trash on Magic or not.

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