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Thinking back, I never knew that day would be the day my life changed forever. I never thought I'd be one of those people who are affected by events that seem impossible one minute then become reality the next. Surely these things only happen in movies or sad episodes of television dramas. This can't be real, it isn't real.

Except it is.

It's real, and it's happened to me.

I don't remember much about that day besides the phone call that told me I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I didn't get any details, besides my godfather telling me my parents had been admitted into the emergency room. Once I got to the giant, castle-like building, I rushed in and saw Jack McLeod, my godfather, head in his hands and shoulders shaking, slumped against the wall.

"Jack?" I say softly, but he doesn't seem to hear me.

"Jack." I say, this time more urgent, which seems to startle him into looking at me. At first he just stared, eyes rimmed red, tears falling down his cheeks, as if he doesn't recognize me. Then he opens his mouth as if to say something, but instead of words all that comes out is a harsh sob and he buries his head in his hands again, sliding to the floor. I'd never seen him so broken before, so vulnerable. Jack McLeod is one of the strongest people I know, he doesn't just break down. The last time I'd seen him cry was when his first wife, Jen, died.

It was at that thought I remembered why Jack had called me in the first place.

My parents.

Dropping down next to Jack, I nudge him, causing him to look up at me again.

"Jack, where are my parents? What's happened to them?" I say, my voice hitching. Again he just stares at me as if he can't find the words to give me an answer.

"Ms. Harper?" A nurse asks, unsure if I'm the person she's looking for. Turning around, I nod my head yes. "Ms. Harper," she repeats, "there's been an accident."

It's then I discovered my parents had died.

They were walking to the local theatre, which is just a few blocks from our house. The theatre had been planning a big Christmas show for the past two months, and I remember they were excited to see it. Apparently, as they were walking along the crosswalk a drunk driver ran a red light and hit them.

The driver just left them there. He didn't even call for help, he just kept driving.

The nurse tells me the police have him now. He hit a telephone pole not too far from the theatre, and they have him in custody. Not that that makes me feel any better.

I collapse on the floor, shaking, all the while Jack is trying to comfort me, but I don't want his comfort.

I want my parents.

I get up after what seems like years and I stumble over to the nurse's station.

"Where are they?" I ask, softly. The nurses just look at me with so much sadness. I don't want their pity.

"Where are they?" I ask again, louder and more sure of myself. One of the nurses walks over to me and places her hand on my arm. I don't know if she's trying to comfort me or get me to calm down, but it's just making me more and more angry.

"Please," I say, my voice cracking, "I need to see them."

"Sweetie, we don't think that's a good idea.' Another nurse starts. "It isn't something a young girl should see. You don't want the last memory of your parents to be --"

"I don't care!" I scream. "Where are they? I need to see them, now! Where are they?"

I'm about ready to climb over the desk to get the information I need myself, but then I feel a pair of strong arms around me. I turn around and see Jack. He's no longer crying, but his face is red and puffy, and you can still see the trail of tears on his cheeks from when he was. He pulls me to him.

"Shh, Alyce. It'll be all right, shh." He just keeps whispering that to me, as I sob into his chest.

We stay like that for a long time. Jack trying his hardest to console me, and me crying and asking where my parents are, over and over. We must be drawing curious glances from the people that pass, but I don't care.

All I care about is the fact that my two best friends are gone, and there's nothing I can do about it.


Hi! So, my name is Brooklyn (:This is my first time writing a full story and I'm not really sure how to get it out or advertise it or anything. So, to anyone who stumbles across this work-in-progress, please share! I'm super excited to start this story, it's been in my head for quite some time. One of my friends recommended this site, and I'm honestly shocked I hadn't been here sooner! Anyways, hopefully you guys like what I do and we can become connected through the wonderful world of words! Thanks for stopping by!!

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