Chapter 8

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•Amy's POV•
I was drawing peacefully in my room, when someone slam my bedroom door open.

I sighed and look at the culprit. Jeff.

"What do you want, Jeff?" I asked as I rubbed my temples.

"Mr. No-Face-Guy-But-Wears-A-Suit wants you to go to his office immediately."he stated as he puts out his pink tongue.

I looked at him."Are you the announcer or something?"

He shrugged as he closed the door and walked away.

I sighed as I made my way towards the room of Slendy, while I was walking, I saw Sally, Jane, Clock, Nina, and Dia were playing tea time.

I chuckled as I continued my way.

I knocked on the door as I heard a 'come-in' sound as I opened the door when I saw Masky, Hoodie and Toby in the same room as the Slender brothers.

"You called?"I asked as I closed the door and sat down at a chair.

"I need you to kill someone for me"

"And that is?"

"Kill those teenagers around my forest.. my proxies will accompany you.. wish you luck you may leave"he said as the proxies nodded and left with me.

We separated to get ready. I grab my Scythe and my jacket as I put it on while opening the door.

I dashed through the halls, I could hear screaming and laughing from the other hall, as I saw a white and black blur ran past me.

I look behind me to see a colorful-haired Jeff.

I tried containing my laughter as he glared at me and chased the blur.

I slide down through the stairs as I landed next to Masky, as they discussed the plan.

"So~ who are we killing exactly?"I asks as we walked through the woods.

"A girl... with brown hair... and blue....eyes..."answered Hoodie quietly.

"T-They... say.. *tick* that she... is....a... b-bul *tick* ly."stated Toby.

"And (maybe).. her companions."finished Masky.

"Ah~ I see~"I said as we reached the streets.

We took off our gears and hid them somewhere in our body, I put my jacket with my weapon(s) on my waist as Toby, Masky, and Hoodie removed their masks (well Masky and Hoodie did while Toby just put up his googles and his mouth guard).

((I don't know what Hoodie and Masky's eyes look likes so I guess))

They look a lot different than their killing outfit, Masky has chestnut hair, brown eyes and his usual outfits, Hoodie didn't take off his hood but he has dirty blonde hair and almond eyes and his usual outfit, while Toby.. he's still the same.

"C'mon.. we don't want to wait till Midnight, do we?"commanded Masky as we set off.

We walked through the streets as I could hear wolf whistles and some guys goggling eyes at me.

I lowly growled at them as I chose to ignored them.

We soon reached the outskirts of town and where the forest is located.

You see, Slender has lots of Forests to begin with. He has 2 forests in this area.

We entered it and climbed up separated trees.

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