Chapter 2 - Beer bottles

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Our apartment wasn't the best, in fact right now it looked horrible.

There was glass shattered everywhere, and my mom passed out on the couch.

A beer in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other.

Bill had come home with me because he knew I didn't like going home to my mom like this.

I turned to Bill and he looked utterly terrified.

"You know, you can leave now." I said to him as he intertwined our fingers.

"N-n-no I'm good." He replied with a smile.

"Okay." I said as I tried to avoid the glass.

We walked cautiously across the glass and up to my bedroom.

We walked down the hall towards my room and when I went for Ben's door to check on him, it was locked.

"Ben open up it's me and Bill." I said in a concerned voice.

"Oh your home." He replied as he opened the door for us.

Sophia ran up to me and hugged me tight.

I could tell that she was crying, but Ben had gotten used to this side of our mom so he didn't feel scared or sad, he just felt furious with her.

"Hey Soph." I said with a comforting smile.

"Where were you last night?" She asked me.

I looked at Bill and he clenched my hand tighter.

"Sophia, listen." I said with a pause.

She looked at me with her soft brown eyes and I knew I had to tell her.

"Mr. and Mrs. O'Hare, they were out last night and I was at Launi's with Bill and her. And...Mr. and Mrs. O'Hare, they got knocked into the lake by a drunk driver and they passed away." I said calmly.

But shortly after she started crying I was crying to.

Ben came over to us and hugged the both of us as Bill moved his hand over my shoulder.

Ben jumped out of fear and grabbed Sophia and went into the closet to hide.

I knew what was happening.

I could hear her footsteps rapidly coming up the stairs.

Bill didn't know what to do so I pushed him in Ben's room and told him to lock the door.

He didn't listen of course so I had to do something.

I pushed him over into my room and slammed the door shut.

It was too late for me to hide.

I could feel my mothers grip on my neck tightening.

"moth-" I tried to blurt out but she cut me off.

"You brought a boy here?" She said into my ear.

I could smell her breath, it was disgusting. Beer and cigarettes almost as bad as our house.

"No mother." I said sternly.

"Your lying." She said in a high toned voice, as her grip tightened.

"Yes! Yes I am mother." I said in a horrified voice to her.

She let go of my neck and grabbed my hair.

Pulling me down the hall to my bedroom.

"WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT BOYS IN THE HOUSE GRACE!" She said loudly with her crazy yellow eyes trying to focus on me.

She let go of my hair and threw me on the ground.

"You told me nothing!!" I screamed at her as I backed up against the wall.

She looked at me and grinded her teeth, I knew I should've said that but I did.

She came closer to me and raised her hand to slap me as I covered my face and neck.

I jerked in fear when I heard a loud noise.

I looked up with my mother on the floor.

I expected Bill to be standing behind her with something in his hand that knocked her out.

But it was Ben.

He ran down to me and we both began crying as Bill walked in with Sophia in his arms.

He put her down and she ran over to us, as well as Bill.

I leaded them to their rooms and locked their doors Incase our mother woke up.

"Bill." I said.


"I need to tell you why my mother is so fucked up." I said.

"Yeah I t-t-think I s-should know by now." He said as he held my hand.

I dragged my mother into her bedroom and locked the door.

I leaded Bill into my room and he locked the door behind him.

He laid some blankets and pillows on the floor and he turned off the lights as I crawled into my bed.

The next morning we got up at about the same time.

He grabbed his shirt and threw it on.

I got up, and looked in my closet for clothes.

I heard the door shut so I assumed he went downstairs.

I took of my shorts and shirt and I was just in my bra and underwear.

I turned around and started putting on my shirt when I saw that Bill was still there.

I jumped and my eyes widened.

I put my shirt on and scrambled for my shorts.

His face turned red.

I moved past him uncomfortably and reached for the doorknob.

I unlocked the door and Sophia was in front of the door.

She told me she made eggs and cereal.

We walked down stairs awkwardly thinking about what just happened.

But when I saw that they was no glass in the floor I knew Ben had been up early.

"We have to hurry. Sophia I set up a sleepover for you at Nicole's house and Ben you're coming with us." I said to them.

"Okay cool." Ben replied.

"Yay." Sophia said.

"Go pack up soph." I Said.

"Okay Gracie." She said to me.

"How old I-I-is she again?" Bill asked.

"She's ten." I said back.

Bill looked at the food and grabbed himself a plate.

"Well I'm the oldest." Ben said to Bill.

"I'm 15, Grace is only 14."

Bill looked at him carelessly and focused back on his food.

I rolled my eyes and we all ate.

"I'm gonna go grab my bag." I said.

"Oh it's in my room." Ben said to me.

"Okay." I said as I walked up the stairs.

I saw my bag on Bens rug next to his bed, and grabbed it.

On my way out, I saw a note on his desk.

So I picked it up.

It read, your heart is winter fire! January embers, my heart burns there too

secret admirer

I giggled and put the note back as I trotted down the stairs.

"Ok let's go Nicole's mom wants you there at 11:00." I yelled to Sophia.

"Coming!" She said.

We walked outside and got on our bikes.

Insisting Ghost| IT 2017-Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now