Chapter 9 - The struggle

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I finally got home and saw Ben, Sofia and Launi laughing.

Launi looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Well I guess I should go now." she said. she walked over to the couch where my mother was "Goodbye Mrs. Hanscom there are extra food if you'd like." she whispered.

My mother whispered back "Alright Thank you bye dear." My mother said taking a sip of her beer.

She walked passed me bumping shoulders.

Grabbed her skateboard and rode off.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" My mother shouted as soon as Launi left.


I looked at Ben and he grabbed Sophia and took her upstairs.

"I-I" I couldn't find the right words.

should I tell her?

would she even care?

"Just go up too your room you better have ate because there are not enough leftovers for the both of us." I look at the pot that was filled with eggs, sausages, and potatoes along with it were red velvet pancakes.

"Yes mother I've eaten." I said as I walked up the stairs.

My phone rang.

"Hello?" I Said.

"Hurry up we're outside."

Then he hung up.

I knew it was Belch.

I jogged down the stairs.

My mother wasn't home she left a note,

Going out to get groceries. Feed Sophia.


I rolled my eyes and threw the note in the trash.

Sure she was.

I saw the blue car, Henry's.

Launi was in the front with a cigarette sparkling in her hand along with her two rings.

She wore Bills on her wedding finger and Henry's on her middle finger.

She scoffed at the sight of me.

Behind her was a scrawny girl.

Without a ring.

She looked horrified then I realized who it was.

It was Greta Keene.

I walked up to the passenger seat.

"Do I not get to sit with my boyfriend?" I asked.

Launi looked at me and raised her eyebrows, "Boyfriend. You say that like its a permanent thing."

I was about to say something when Henry interrupted.

"Belch just leave her dude. She probably wouldn't be interested."

I climbed in the back as Belch started to drive.

The scrawny girl was still scared out of her bones.

"What the hells your problem." Launi asked the girl.

She shook her head nothing.

"Belch stop the car." Launi said and for some reason he listened.

"Get the hell out." she told the girl who basically jumped out.

They drove all the way to Henry's house.

We got there at about same time as his father.

"Hello Launi." he said completely ignoring his son.

He instead he handed the gun to her.

"Shoot a bit. Than wash." he said.

She smiled at him, "Thank you Mr. Bowers but that's not needed how about I just wash it."

"No no no. You need target practice especially since you live alone with your grandma." he said.

It was like she had him wrapped around her finger.

Controlled, and stuck.

"Oh, if you insist thank you sir." Launi Said.

"Your welcome." and he walked off.

Launi loaded the gun as if she'd done this before and threw it at me.

"Shoot the can." Victor said.

I tried but missed Launi smirked at me and held both hands out.

The boys put cash in it and she stuffed it in her pocket.

She grabbed the gun from me.

She walked a far distance away from the target.

Shot the canteen, walked back up.

As the boys handed her more money.

Henry went the same distance, shot the canteen and the boys handed him money.

Then Belch went same distance shot, missed handed Launi money.

Then Victor, same distance, shot, made it, Launi handed him money.

Once again it was my turn, shot, made it, Launi was about to hand me money.

But before I could grab it she dropped it in the mud below me on purpose.

When I picked it up, my skirt lifted.

Making the boys laugh, and stare.

Launi saw a cat and tapped Henry on the shoulder.

She handed him the gun.

"Put the next target up there." Henry said pointing to the poor cat.

Belch hesitated.

"Just hold it." Launi said

At that moment Mr.Bowers came out.

"What do ya think your doing?" he asked us.

"Cleaning your gun." Henry answered not looking at him.

"Doesn't look like cleaning to me." he said looking at Launi. 

"When did you get here?" He asked.

"A while ago you said I can practice shooting in case anything bad happens." she answered.

"I never said he could." He grabbed the gun from Henry's hand and was about to walk away.

But he turned around where Henry was standing.

My heart stopped beating.

I looked at Launi who rushed over to Henry.

We all went back to where the car was parked, and sat around, and against it.

"You okay Henry?" Victor asked.

Henry didn't respond.

He got up and walked to the mail.

"You guys should leave its not safe when he gets like this." Launi said she grabbed the two boys. 

Insisting Ghost| IT 2017-Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now