The New Addition

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Life had always been a series of unfortunate events for the Winchester brothers. When they were young they had lost their mother, only to be raised by their now revenge-crazed father who was now dead set on killing the thing that killed their mother. He hunted monsters and taught his sons about the hunter way. How to protect other from these monster in the night, and how to stop them.  The' Life' as it was often called held only pain and loss but never the less John Winchester threw his two sons so far down the path that they had no choice but to live with it. Sink or Swim is a good way to put it. One thing the Winchester brother never expected was that their lives would only be further flipped when they went on a normal hunt. 

Dean's Pov

I sat in the front seat with Dad, while Sam was in the back reading using a flashlight to see. I was busily reading up on the papers about what we were hunting. It seemed to be a ghost that was haunting this building, it was harassing the residents and even killed a guy.

"Dad, can I go in too?" Sam asked from the back seat, he had just recently turned twelve and wanted to help on the hunts more. I knew why Sam wasn't allowed to help with the harder hunts, but when they were pretty simple Dad would let Sam tag along.

"Are you sure you're up for it?" John glanced back at Sam through the rearview mirror, Sam nodded enthusiastically. "Alright, you can go, but stay close to either me or Dean, ya hear me?" Sam was willing to agree to anything at the point. He was so excited to go along. After that, we pulled up beside a big apartment complex. We were currently in New York, Manhattan, in fact. It wasn't often that we would travel to the big city or do jobs in a hugely populated area.  

"This is what we know, the remains of our ghost are somewhere in this building, we only have about three hours to find the body and to torch it. The residents should all either be gone or in there own apartments. They should be safe as long as we quickly find the body." I read off from Dad's notes and the files.  

"Okay, so salt and iron is what we need, come on boys," John stated, with that, he climbed out of the car, and headed around back where he opened the trunk.

Two hours drifted away quickly and things began to change for the worst. The ghost was attacking the residents to keep us occupied.  "DEAN! Go help them while I go find that damn body!" with that John took off down the stairs into the basement. I swore loudly as I watched the ghost go in one of the doors, I frantically grabbed Sam's shirt sleeve. I kicked down the door just as I heard a woman scream, the door flew open to show a woman with her brown hair tied up in a ponytail. She was holding a bundle of blankets in her arms, she was trying to shield the bundle away from the ghost which was inching closer. I stepped forward swinging my iron crowbar at the ghost making it disappear. The woman looked terrified, I held out my hand to her, "Lady, I'm not going to pretend this isn't terrifying, but we're the good guys. Now if you want to stay here and possibly die that's your problem, or you can come with us and we'll protect you." 

"Okay-okay." With that, she cradled the bundle closer, and we ran out of the room. The second we exited the room, not one but two ghosts flickered into reality. I swore as I begin to chase one down the hall where it was going after a woman. As I slashed my iron crowbar through the ghost I heard a scream. I turned to see the woman that I left with Sam was now laying on the ground bleeding. I told the other lady to get out of here as fast as possible, while I went to help Sam. He was holding the blankets to his chest, and it was beginning to squirm. The woman had blood on her lips as she spoke a few last words, "Take care of him? Please, he is more special than you can ever understand." With that, I felt her hand go dead in mine. I felt my heart drop, we were supposed to protect these people and I had let her die. The worst part was she had a baby, a kid. Now, what would happen to him? He would be thrown into the system and never know of his mothers' sacrifice. I looked at the squirming kid in Sam's arms, I felt this protective big brother resolve settle in my stomach. It was a familiar feeling, it was one I often felt with Sam. I looked at my little brother's big wide eyes, and I took a deep breath before I swept the baby out of his arms.  He looked up at me, I handed him both his and my crowbars.

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