New Day, Old Traditions

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Sam Winchester

As I shuffled into the kitchen I smelled eggs, bacon, and a suspicious scent of pancakes? Dean never makes pancakes, they where Percy's favorite, so he never made them. I completely understood I didn't want them either. It was too much of a reminder of him. 

I peeked into the door of the kitchen to see Dean flipping pancakes. When he saw me, he smirked slightly, "Rise and shine, Sammy." I frowned at his usual morning announcement. 

"Dude, what is all of this?" I asked confused as I looked at Dean's wide spread of food. This was extremely out of the ordinary.

"Its called breakfast, Sammy," Dean replied sarcastically as he began dishing out the food onto the plates around him. At that moment I heard a noise behind me, I whipped around only to see a bed-ruffled Percy mid-stretch. His arms were raised above his head as he stretched, this caused his shirt to rise just over the top of his pants. Scars could be seen, I caught myself staring as he let out a loud sigh and dropped his arms.

"Hey, guys." Percy shuffled forward and placed himself in the seat next to me before he leaned onto the table in front of us. I was staring at him, this feeling of Deja vu was overwhelming. I kept having memory flashes of when Percy was six and he would wander into the kitchen when either Dean or I would be cooking.

It was early in the morning, John had woken Sam and Dean letting them know he was off on a hunt, and that they were to watch Percy. Dean nodded dutifully, he at this point was used to watching his younger brothers while their Dad went on a hunt. Sam wasn't quite as used to it, but he was happy to take on the challenge. Which is exactly what Percy was, He was a very energetic kid who loved his brothers a lot, but man could he get on their nerves real quick. 

"Boys, do not leave this room and watch your brother. You know how he is, and especially how he always manages to find monsters." John breathed out, he was talking about one of the two times they left Percy alone. John and Sam were on a hunt, and when Dean got back he found the motel room trashed and Percy hiding in the closet with a butchers knife. Dean flipped the hell out understandable when Percy kept saying it was a huge dog with blood red eyes and gross patchy fur. The second Sam had been watching him and he stepped outside to get the two of them dinner when he heard crashing as he approached the motel room. Sam bolted into the room to see a horrifying shadow of a creature. All he can remember was that it had snakes for legs and it was hovering over Percy till Sam stabbed it with the silver knife. It only seemed to aggravate it before it jumped out the window. When John found out about these two times he made the rule Percy was not allowed to be alone. 

"Yes, we understand," Sam said for the both of them, John nodded before he closed the door leaving them for a few days to fend on their own. Sam and Dean shared a look before Dean walked off only to begin making breakfast. As he was finishing the last pancake, Percy came in. He was sleeping in one of Dean's old shirts that Sam gave Percy. He was rubbing his eyes as he stumbled over to the stool next to them. They watched him as he dropped his head forward onto the table. 

"Mornin' Perce, hungry?" Dean asked in a chipper voice, Percy nodded as he kept his head resting on his arm. Sam let out of chuckle before he slid the syrup bottle towards Percy. It hit him on the side of the face which made him slowly sit up. Dean gave him his plate. Both boys watched their younger brother as he sleepily ate his breakfast. They couldn't help but smile, seeing as this was a side of their hyperactive brother that was rare to see. 

Sam watched his now much bigger younger brother sat up when Dean slipped the plate in front of Percy's face. "Mornin' Perce, how'd you sleep?" Dean asked, seeming to be genuinely interested. 

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