One Weird Angel

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Percy Jackson

I was pointing my uncapped pen at Castiel, he was scowling, while I was standing there my mouth agape. How in the hell did Sam and Dean manage to keep this tight-ass around, was all I could think.

I had met Castiel when I was twelve, I met the guy maybe twice before I shipped off to New York. I had just assumed that he would have flown off when the apocalypse was stopped.

"Percy, I think you remember Cas." Dean threw his hand up towards Cas who's eyes flew towards Dean when he said my name.

"Uh, yeah. He really wasn't the most pleasant." I threw my eyes towards Cas before I slowly dropped my arm, but not putting Riptide away. Annabeth seemed seconds away from pulling out her dagger, even though now she preferred her drakon-bone sword, but that thing wasn't as easily concealed. 

"Dean, did you say Percy? As in your younger brother who went missing? Even the Angels could not find him." Cas looked at me suspiciously, I stuck my tongue out. 

"Hey, be nice. Both of you." Dean snapped, I rolled my eyes. 

"Yes, Cas, I'm sure you remember Percy. We finally found him, or well...we found each other." Sam smiled at us, I gave him a half smile before my eyes went back to the angel. 

I just wasn't sure about him, the last time I met him he was a grade A asshole. I mean I have met a lot of assholes, but Cas was always so...stiff. And we just didn't see eyes to eye. But if he played nice, I could give him a chance. 

Cas walked towards me before holding out his hand, "I will always trust a Winchester." I frowned before I shook his hand. My eyes flipped towards Dean and Sam who nodded at me encouragingly. I sighed before my face broke out into a smile.

"If my brothers trust you, I guess I will too." He gave me a short smile before his eyes went straight down to my pen.

"What is that?" He asked, his voice almost seemed concerned or maybe it was anxious.

I shrugged before answering, "Its Riptide, my sword. See?" I pulled off the cap and heard the familiar sound of Riptide shifting from pen to sword. I rolled my wrist as the comfortable weight of the hilt sat in my hand. 

"That...that is not did you get this weapon?" He pulled Riptide from my hand and turned away as I tried to grab it. He began studying the blade and when he touched the metal he hissed.

"Hey! Chiron gave me that! It's mine." I tried to once again pull it from his hands, but he moved just out of reach. I was beginning to get mad which wasn't a good sign for any nearby plumbing.

"Chiron? You mean the centaur Chiron?" His eyes were as wide as saucers, I rolled my eyes before nodding.  

"Cas, what the hell is going on with you?" Dean asked gruffly, Cas looked at him with worry.

"Sam, Dean...I think Percy maybe...he may be a Greek demigod." His voice sounded worried about how they would reach. I rolled my eyes before I dropped my head. 

"I am. The son of Poseidon. Now can I have that back please?" I gestured towards my sword to which Castiel was holding still at his side. I was starting to feel the familiar pull in my gut which was a really bad sign, except Annabeth, placed her hand on my bicep which helped calm me.

"Cas we have already been over this, we know all about Percy's Greek origins. I mean we didn't know until last night but its fine. He is still our brother." Sam explained, to which Cas seemed even more confused. The sword disappeared from Cas's grip, he looked around until I pulled the pen from my pocket.

"It always returns to me," I shrugged when he scowled as if I pulled some kind of evil magic. Then his eyes settled on Annabeth, he pointed at her as he looked back to Sam and Dean.

"That's Annabeth, Percy's badass demigod girlfriend. Daughter of Athena, right?" Dean asked looking back at Annabeth for reassurance when she nodded he hissed a yes, and added a fist pump. She smiled as Cas just looked at all four of us.

"My apologies, I wasn't aware that you were back. It's good to see the youngest Winchester safely returned. How did Mary take the news?" Cas seemed to ask the last part to specifically Dean and Sam. WHo both awkwardly coughed and didn't answer. Cas scowled at the two, he seemed to scowl and frown a lot. I was just confused as to what he was going on about. "She is aware John adopted a son, isn't she?"

"Yeah, kind of. We never realized we would have to explain..." Sam bit his lips and cheek nervously. 

"Look. Mom should be back tomorrow or the day after, when she gets back we will explain, and I'm sure she will be happy." Dean spoke in finality. Sam nodded, while I was more than confused.

"Mom? Wait, you mean Mary's back? I thought she died?" I asked confused while I could feel Annabeth look at me in confusion. I said nothing but instead ignored the look for now and waited to see what my brothers had to say.

"God's sister brought her back after Dean helped her and God reconcile their relationship." Sam made it seem like no big deal. 

"God has a sister?! Also, you met God? What the hell else have you been hiding from me?" I had only been around Sam and Dean just over twenty-four hours and I was back to cursing like them. I hadn't realized until now. 

"I'll explain later, but for now, Cas," Dean looked towards Cas who did nothing but blink as he waited to hear what Dean was going to say. "We will explain to Mom everything. Don't worry about it, but now." Dean looked at me. I had my arms crossed and my eyebrows raised as I wait to hear what Dean and Sam have been doing while I was gone.

-TADA! I told you more frequent updates. What's Mary going to say when she finds out Sam and Dean have been hiding the fact John adopted a kid? Guess you'll find out in the next chapter!

How many of you guys would like to see Jack in this story?? I have thought about adding him, and I want to know if you'd like to see him here! If so, let me know! 

Also to clarify this takes place in between seasons 13 and 14, but anything that happened in the season 13 finale does not exist. So basically we are in some weird time where everything has slowed down and the boys have a break from saving the world.  (As if) 

So, until next time!


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