The Lost Time

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WARNING!! This chapter contains spoilers! This story is now taking a major time jump. This will be after Heroes of Olympus and Season 11 and most of Season 12 of Supernatural. This probably will not contain any of the content from Season 13 or further on, I am just going to spice up twelve a bit to fit the story better. I apologize. You have been warned. Carry on.

Sam POV. 

It's been years. By years, I mean six to be exact. Percy has been missing for six years, and no, we haven't given up hope. We find stuff about him in the news often, usually every six months. The most evidence we got was still in the first year, he was seen traveling across the country with two other kids. Then he was on the news in LA, after that he disappeared for a while before he reappeared two years later. It's been hard enough for us to try to find Percy but on top of hunting all kinds of Big Bads'; we have always had a full plate. Now we are currently are completely dedicated to finding him. Its been too long, its time for him to come home. I wonder what he looks like now, definitely not that small scrawny twelve-year-old that I remember. Now that I think about it, Percy will be almost nineteen. That's horrifying to me, I remember the day I first held him. He was so small then, now he is basically a man and I haven't seen him for six years. I miss him every day, he would love the bunker and the adventures. 

Percy's Pov.

I woke up with a start, another nightmare. It was about Sam, and Dean again. I've been having nightmares about them since I was thirteen. In a weird way, it made me still feel connected to them. My dreams are normally when they are in the middle of a hunt, or fighting something big. I can't say that they don't keep themselves busy, but hey, I've been busy too. After fighting Kronos, I got my memory wiped and sent to a hidden camp. Then after that, me and six other demigods had to fight the Giants and put Gaea back to sleep. Now currently the others and I are finally starting to settle down, lead more normal lives. Well, as normal as we could get. 

I pushed myself out of my bunk, I was currently alone in cabin three. Tyson decided he needed to stay at the forges to help with whatever they do down there. I looked around the lonely room. This was the first stable home I've ever had. My brothers and I moved around a lot, so we never had a home. Dirty motel rooms, crappy nights crammed in the back seat with Sam, and long talks with Dean as he drove. That was home for me. I missed it. I missed them. 

I sighed and shook my head as I crawled out of bed. I ran my fingers through my already messy hair. I stumbled out of my cabin a bit later and went down to the dining pavilion. After some breakfast, I was about to start my daily activities when a camper came running my way. I paused waiting to see if he was coming for me. He stopped right in front of me slightly out of breath, he held up a single finger, asking me to wait. I laughed while gently patting his shoulder.

"Dude, its okay. Take your time, I'm in no hurry." The kid nodded before standing up straight and looking at me.

"Chiron needs you...said something about your family?" I immediately tensed up, my shoulders jumped and my spine tensed. I quickly nodded my head mumbling something about going that way. The dark haired kid ran off, I couldn't remember his name which bothered me. I shrugged it off and headed towards the big house.

As I approached the Big House, I could see Chiron pacing on the wrap around porch. He looked worried, as I slowly approached him. When he noticed me, his already worried brow became deeper. 

"Percy," His greeting was less than formal, he sounded as if he was in deep thought. 

"Hey, Chiron? You sent for me?" I stepped up on the porch with him, his horse feet nervously moved back and forth.

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