chapter one

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Annies POV

It all started when I entered high school. I never understood why though. Caleb is a senior and is on the football team. I'm in 10th grade. Caleb and his friends are practically the most popular kids in the whole school. Then there's me. The nobody who only has 2 friends. I refuse to tell anyone epically caleb about the bullying. I'm scared to and I'm afraid he won't belive or maybe even ruin his friendship with his friends.

October 23:

It is Monday morning and caleb always drives himself to school....but he picks up his friends along the way.
I walk to school so I can avoid them. I never understood why I was the target, maybe it's because they know I won't say anything to caleb.

I'm at my locker right now and I feel a presence next to me. I look over and have to tilt ny head up to see who it is it's one of the team members. This can't be good. He moved his hair out of his face but when he did I flinched. He laughed. I rolled my eyes and took one last book out of my locker and while my fingers were in the locker he slammed the locker shut. A pain shot up my arms and through my figers. I yelped in pain and he laughed. "Loser" he said and walked away. I looked at my fingers and they were swelling up. I couldn't bend them. I went to the nurse and say I accidently shut my locker on my hand. The nurse was very prepared and she put a finger cast on my hand. Ugh now I'm late to class.

It's not lunch time and the 10 and 12 grades have lunch together. Me and my two friends usually sit together but they both got the flu so I'm sitting all alone at a table. I'm sitting there one hand on the table, the other one is pushing my food around with a fork. I don't really feel hungry. I feel someone watching me and I look up and caleb is walking over to me with a concerned face.

Caleb: what the hell happened annie??

Annie: nothing. Everything if perfectly normal why?

Caleb: everything is not fine, look at your hand! Tell me what happened.

Annie: I accidently slammed my hand in my locker that's all ..

Caleb: alright.....

And he walked away. A few minutes later I saw caleb get up and walk towards the bathrooms. That's when a few of his friends got up and walked over to me. "You really shouldn't be eating, don't you think your fat enough?"

I didn't even bother saying anything.

"Yeah that's that's what that's what we though fatass"

To be honest it doesn't even hurt me anymore. I'm used to it.

At Home:

I've been in my room all day ever since I've gotten home from school. I don't walk to talk to anyone or even see anyone to be honest. There was a light knock on my door.
Caleb: ans dinner is ready come eat.

I sighed and made my way towards the door. I shouldn't be eating, i need to loose weight. I walked down the stairs behind caleb and i saw my family and two of caleb friends. One of them was the one that said I should loose weight and the other one was one u never really noticed, probably because he never bullied me. I sat down next to caleb. I looked at my plate and although I was starving I pushed my food around with my fork. Everyone else was talking, eating and having a grand old time.

Caleb: annie why aren't u eating?

Annie: I just don't really have an appetite that's all..

The friend that bullies me leans over and whispers something to caleb.

Whispers :

Friend: I heard from multiple people that she was pregnant..

Caleb looked up at me in confusion and anger.

Caleb: annie, a word please?

He was clenching his teeth as he basically dragged me to the other room.

Caleb: annie what the hell?!! Are you pregnant?!?

Annie: what are you talking about caleb!! How could you say that?!

Caleb: is that why your never around any of us?! What the hell?

I started crying from hearing this.

Annie: caleb I can't belive you would say that?!?!?

Was I really that fat?

I ran out of the room in tears and past the kitchen, up the stairs and to my room. I slammed my door and plopped onto my bed. I can't belive him.

I ignored everyone for the rest of the day/ night.

My Worst Enemy....A Bratayley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now