Shut up

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* Authors not real quick I used a prompt from my Pinterest/Tumblr but don't know the original so can't credit also perspective changes I'll fix it later*

   I've been distracted all day, or really the past couple weeks. My thoughts keep drifting to the same thoughts, that Maybe, I'm holding the team back. I mean when was the last time I did something to help the team rather than getting myself into trouble and having to be helped. I'll be better though, I'll become an asset, more like Keith. He is stronger, a better fighter, and a better pilot. I've been trying to train a more, but Keith is always at the training deck, and I don't want him to see how bad I am. He might finally notice I shouldn't be on the team and kick me off. That would be better if I got kicked off, I'm being selfish, wanting to stay on the team when I obviously don't belong on it. I mean-

" Lance! I was asking you a question, are you even paying attention. This is important we are making a plan and you need to pay attention, people could die if you mess up. do you even care?", Shiro looked mad as he spits the words out.

I flinched but quickly smiled, " Sorry Shiro, got distracted thinking about whether there will be space babes at the celebration, they will no doubt throw in my honor when we kick the galras butts".

The team glared at me, "This is no time for jokes Lance, pay attention" Allura stated rolling her eyes.

" Of course that's what he's thinking about" Keith jabbed, the team laughed. Well, that stung, but why would they think any different.

" If we go in from the west and through the hanger door we can get in undetected. Then Pidge and Hunk could go to the Control Station while Keith and I head to the holding cells. Lance, you'll be staying to keep our exit clear." Shiro stated with all the authority that his position as leader granted.

West hanger that's an ok plan, but if we went in through the docking bay couple blocks up we'd be closer to the cells and the control center. Plus we'd be in a place that has less chance of us being discovered. I started to bring the idea up when Shiro snapped at me.

" Lance This is no time for a joke can't you act serious for one second", I was taken back, " I was just-", " Just Shut up Lance" Keith interrupted before I could explain, Allura and Pidge were glaring, Allura shaking her head in disapproval. I decided to just do as they said and shut up, I was probably wrong anyway otherwise they would be doing my plan anyway right.

The mission was going perfectly until six drones came around the corner discovering me and the red and green lions. I immediately acted shooting two of the drones right in the middle of their heads. I quickly turned my comms on warning the team that I was engaging several drones while aiming for the next drone taking it out. Quickly turning on the next two. A shot through their chests. The last drone sets off the alarm as the drone before it hits the ground. The mission is going downhill fast. Pidge comes running around the corner; a blast hits her from behind. I rush forward to catch her as she falls. Trying to lay covering fire with one hand and support Pidge with the other. As we get to Green, A searing pain explodes across my shoulder. Pidge is barely conscious, curled against my chest. Green flies us back to the castle. As I headed the med-bay, carrying Pidge to a pod as quickly as I could, guilt sat heavy in my chest.

Everyone was completely silent not even glancing at me as they waited for pidge to come out. Pidge had been able to get the information and the prisoners that they had come for so technically a successful mission. Finally, the pod opens with a woosh. She comes falling out and into Hunks arms. I open my mouth to apologize to Pidge and to ask if she was ok, but Keith whirled around,

" Just shut up! This is your fault, you had one job, and you couldn't even do that, the mission was almost blown because of you, can't you just be useful for once".

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